Firefox stuttering when playing VP9 YouTube videos

For a while now I’ve noticed that on some YouTube videos, when I try to move the playback bar or use keybinds to skip/rewind 5 seconds, the video stutters and freezes for a few seconds before resuming playback. I did some research and found some other people that had the same issue. I tried all the solutions in those threads and nothing worked.

I also found this Bugzilla report which points out that the issue is with VP9 encoded videos, but it says the issue was fixed half a year ago. I’m on a more recent version (133.0.3) than those patches were released on (also on a relatively fresh install of F41), so I’m at a loss for what to do next.

When I watch those same videos in Chrome, the issue isn’t there. And switching my user agent also doesn’t help.

I know this isn’t strictly a Fedora issue and is with the browser itself, but I’m trying my luck on this forum anyway.