It started this week, Gnome version 41. Fingerprint suddenly stops working and disappears from the preferences. This happens when it is asleep or right when it is running. systemctl status fprintd then shows it is inactive, but starting the daemon doesn’t help. I would assume it is hardware, but after rebooting the laptop the sensor always comes back to life.
Could find fprintd[2145]: Device responded with error: 789 retry: 1 only once, usually it is just
Thanks @catanzaro, I’m not sure how to verify if it is my case but coredumpctl returns bunch of rows many of them are SIGSEGV but no one references to fprint and the last one seems have timestamp before my problem started.
fprint survived the night just fine but as I started working on laptop… it is gone. Seems after last successful fprintd.service: Deactivated successfully
the following lines containing fprint repeatedly appear in journal
I’m starting thinking that this issue appears when machine gets warmer. If so then no reason to look for why it crashes. But still interesting why it’s not repaired after I start the service and service actually becomes active.