Fedora Web-UI-based Install Guide for F39: Where to place it in the Docs? Separate Editions/Spins?

I am not sure if there is a misunderstanding. The decision to ask for a collaboration with Anaconda and to get a new install guide was made several months after your blog post of May 22 since these were two different decisions (?). I mean, in Sept 22 you put the new guide on the meeting agenda yourself and agreed to the approach, which included the collaboration :wink:

However, if the plans of Docs have changed to have no longer a unified guide at the “Fedora Linux” category but only publish what is provided by the respective WG/SIG, this has to be put to Workstation WG repos of course.

It remains a little hard to understand current Docs decision making/plans if one is no longer involved regularly in the meetings. Some central point of what is going on and planned would be complementary, especially when non-permanents or other teams are affected by decisions. My last information about that topic was from a May 2023 meeting and its related discussions [1] [2], so a few months ago, when a new install guide seems to have been still part of the plans, including a placeholder. Some possibilities to verify if past consensus/agreements still apply would be helpful, just in case a new team structure is established or so.

Anyways, for now I consider the Docs-team-related part closed. The affected documentation repositories are thus at least for now those of the Workstation WG only.