Fedora update relevant to kernel will make the computer can not be turned off

Hello everyone, I am now using windows because Fedora got that problems and I need to work at that moment so sorry if right now I don’t have fedora 39 on my laptop, but I do want to ask before I reinstall it again :slight_smile:

So The error happened when I update my fedora, normal updates without kernel update will be fine, and I can turn it off after that, but when there’s an update relevant to the kernel, it always results in when I turn off the computer after updating, it will stuck at black screen ( it hasn’t turned off), and It will just be like that until I press the physical power off button, I tried to let it go for hours, but it’s still black screen. So what can I do?

There were a guy showing me the solution, but I haven’t tried it yet, so if any of you understand the command and the problem behind it, please help me :slight_smile:

sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Thank you!

We can’t help without more information. Ideally you should provide enough detail so others can reproduce the problem. Other users are also reporting shutdown failures with recent Fedora updates, so you can watch to see if how those are resolved.

Do you remember which kernel version the update installed? Were you using luks? Were you using Fedora Workstation 39? Did you apply all current Fedora updates? Did you apply vendor firmware updates? While you are using Windows you should install vendor firmware updates. You can also use the Fedora Live USB installer to collect some data to compare with similar problem reports. It is good practice to provide the output of inxi -Fzxx (run in a terminal and posted as text using the </> button so it can be found with a web search by others with similar problems).

maybe it can help

OPTION - I  permanently disable kernel update/install

permanent  exclude directive is defined in /etc/yum.conf or /etc/dnf/dnf.conf configuration file with the list of packages to exclude from updates or installs.

add : 


all packages related to kernel updates will be disabled
adjustments after kernel update

sudo grubby --default-kernel

will show default kernel boot

sudo grubby --info ALL

all installed kernels will be show

set the default kernel to a kernel that is known to work well

grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-xxxxxx

set into grub config

sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

That probably will have no noticeable affect since the system properly configures that during installation of a kernel

Your problem sounds like a gpu driver issue.
We probably will better able to assist if you were to post the output of inxi -Fzxx, which can be done by booting to the live install media and installing inxi before running that command.