Fedora Sway - Config/connect to Wi-Fi

Can someone please direct me to a guide on how to configure and connect to Wi-Fi in the Fedora Sway spin?
There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot out there, even on Swaywm Wiki.

Any Fedora spin with NetworkManager:

nmcli device wifi rescan
nmcli device wifi list
nmcli device wifi connect 'WIFI_SSID' password 'WIFI_PSK'

Thank you so much. I had never configured Wi-Fi using nmcli before. You taught me something new today.

Just an F.Y.I.
I figured I would run this instead at the end:

sudo nmcli device wifi connect 'WIFI_SSID' --ask


You can also use NetworkManager-tui but IIRC that is not installed by default.