Originally published at: Fedora localization platform migrates to Weblate – Fedora Community Blog
Fedora Project provides an operating system that is used in a wide variety of languages and cultures. To make it easy for non-native English speakers to use Fedora, significant effort is made to translate the user interfaces, websites and other materials.
Part of this work is done in the Fedora translation platform, which will migrate to Weblate in the coming months.
This migration was mandatory as development and maintenance of Zanata — the previous translation platform — ceased in 2018.
There are a number of translation platforms available, but having a translation platform that is open source, answering Fedora Project’s needs, and likely to be long-lived are key considerations in choosing Weblate. Most other translation platforms being closed source or lacking features.
The translation teams will be testing out Weblate over the next few months and expect it to enter production use in early 2020. More details on the transition to using Weblate are available in the wiki.
Contributions both in the transition process and in translating are welcome and can be initiated by joining the Translation mailing list or by joining by following updates on Translation platform migration project on teams.
Would you like to try it out?
- Visit the weblate site
- Log in with your FAS account
- Start translating (the three available projects are related to our documentation and contains general purpose content)
- You’ll see the result on the Docs staging site (it is updated once a day)
- Send your feedback and questions on our mailing list so we can do our best to find the right configuration of the tool for our community.