Sorry why did not possible to add answer here? and create new question?
Because i did not undestand what difference with fedora 40 beta\ fedora 41\Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) but i tryed to test as much as possible.
Is a way without
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=41
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
this failed every time from fedora 36 its come up to 50% and completly frize or get not possible to boot. before i get some issue package that did not support upgrade but later i did not.
You would have to go F36>F37>F38>F39>F40 to get it to go through safely. I wouldn’t even attempt an inplace update from a release that far out, too much risk in mismatched packages.
I’ve seen several post/people having trouble updating from releases older than F38, so going up one by one would be a better move IMO.
Hello @larsmartin4 ,
Welcome to !
As @computersavvy mentions, F41 is a testing version of Fedora and currently is rawhide (Fedora’s Alpha if you like). The beta release is F40, and is still a testing release, since it may/will have some blocker bugs/issues. Unless you’re interested in testing fedora releases prior to release, I would avoid ever installing them on a system I relied on for my income or even if it was merely important for it to be reliable.
It is advisable, as noted by @hamrheadcorvette , to update through the releases to your desired release. If you desire F40, wait until it reaches release date, currently April 16 if the blocker meeting gives it the go ahead. You can, of course, upgrade through the current releases to F39 to be ready, F36 is end of life, but F37 is still available.
Fedora is a pretty fast moving release cadence which is continuous. As there are frequently changes, and some that “break” apps expected behaviour at times, it is advisable to keep current with the latest Fedora releases as they become available. There is no Long Term Release in Fedora.
Your link is on and is not up to date. The one I listed is and is kept current. In fact you can go up one level from what I linked and find the official schedule for F40.
But what is pre alpha? did not make sence, its more stabile than a lot other distribution.
But its have few bug hardware compactiblity mellanox connect x2, brother printer ( Brother HL-2060 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4 Simplified ) \ wine compactbility?.
Issue with virtualbox need RMS fusion to be installed, and vmware player did not have compactible kernel to run. But this issue is not very hard to fix.
Then that link I posted should have indication on the page that Clearly states it is out of date and no longer being used with a link to the correct page with the pertinent info. Who deprecated the page I linked? They should update it to reflect the change to the new page. This is the documentation problem in a nutshell that Fedora suffers.
Rawhide would be considered pre-alpha in its entirety.
When a version is initially branched for final updates it would be considered alpha, which then after a time of updates and testing becomes beta, which then becomes the final release for that version.
At the time one version is branched then rawhide would become the pre-alpha for the next version being developed.
This all means that Rawhide is never considered to be even remotely stable since there are constant development processes occurring.
Actually since we stopped doing Alphas, the idea is that Rawhide is
always at at least Alpha level. This is done via gating of updates,
compose checking, etc. Of course sometimes things get though, but much
less than in the past, and those tests/checks are by no means covering
everything, just the basic critera.
I think it’s better to look at rawhide based on it’s target audience:
If you’re willing and able to do those things, then great… but if
you’re not, a stable release would likely be much better for you.