I understood from @bluebat’s post that the old driver (what I now know to be rtl8xxxu) would be blacklisted automatically. Today I followed leesei’s instructions found here (last post)^ and rebooted. I then retried @bluebat’s instructions again. This time there was much more output but the automation still aborted at the bad exit of a tmp file. I then tried ZeeRooo’s instructions again and this time the installation completed.
I’ve checked to see whether the blasklist file is there, and it is:
But one other thing that I did (and I now wish that I had done them deperately) was to remove the dongle before retrying the relevent instructions mentioned.
Hello, I can’t install the driver on Fedora 30, I have kernel-devel package installed, I cloned RTL8192EU’s repo, but when I try “sudo modprobe 8192eu” I get the following error :
“modprobe: ERROR: could not insert ‘8192eu’: Operation not permitted”
Hello @youssefmsourani, unfortunately it didn’t help. I see no wifi driver with lshw -c network, only ethernet. And I still encounter system errors when i plug my dongle.
I think those drivers aren’t supposed to work yet with kernel 5.3.6, I think i’m going to give up, maybe someone will find a solution in the future. Thank you for your help
I’ve had also this product, I bought it yesterday, after a large investigation because the product box said full LINUX support : I’ve found this GITHUB, updated to the latest kernel 5.6:
Just, git clone the repo and type:
Reboot and voila
with dkms support for rebuild on each kernel update…
You are posting on a thread that has been necro for about 3 years. Fedora has had about 6 version releases in that time and what was appropriate and worked then likely will not work now.
Please open your own thread for any issues you have for a current fedora release. I am closing this thread.