I have just tried updating to latest kernel available + upgrading nvidia drivers to the latest rawhide beta and my system fails to boot with these packages. I have properly awaited around for kernel module compilation after waiting for the update to be done.
The logs show that the system gets to the activation of the gdm.service before entering a loop where the screen keeps bliking every 1 to 2 seconds and weird audio “interference” noise keep being sent with every “glitch”. Has anyone had any luck upgrading their drivers?
Wait, the problem seems to lie with the kernel? Switching to kernel 6.11.4 I was able to boot into the system and use it regularly confirm with nvidia-smi that the driver was updated as intended.
Maybe this could be because broken dkms modules for xone or xpadneo since I have noticed something wrong with dkms in the failing boot too.
Yep, I’ve isolated the issue to kernel 6.12. xpadneo also fails to build with this kernel but I’m not sure if it is related with the “not booting up” issue.