Fedora 40 Error Log File?

Is there a way to check random 2 second long black screens like would Fedora log these events just to confirm what the issue is? I think it was the 6.10 kernel and my AMD card but would like to confirm… I have rolled back to 6.8 and all seems ‘better’ for the moment! Thx
Edit - The black screens persist with 6.8… :confused:

You can look at the journal where all the logs go: sudo journalctl --since=HH:MM.

See man journalctl for all the options, the --since will help focus on only events after the time of the black screen. You can also look at sudo dmesg for kernel messages (these will also go into the journal).

Given you have an AMD GPU check for messages about resetting the GPU.
I have heard that others have been seeing this error and that would explaint the black screen.

Awesome thanks I will check these out… loving Fedora w/KDE I hope its fixable!

If you are seeing the CPU reset messages I hear there is a fix being worked on.
But no idea when it will land.

You could try using a 6.9 kernel that I think is free of the reset bug.