Fedora 39: Is this the last edition which has no telemetry built into it?

First of all, I wish to congratulate Fedorans for being able to get your hands on the latest edition of Fedora.

Secondly, I wish to thank all the people who have contributed to making Fedora 39 available to one and all.

Thirdly, could someone confirm that Fedora 39 does not contain any telemetry, that is, the distro will not phone home with my data and activities?

Finally, could someone confirm that starting with Fedora 40, it will be laden with telemetry? I asked because many ex-Fedorans have jumped ship or switched camps by using other Linux or *BSD distros.

Thanks for your answers.

I think this idea is coming from a lot of FUD being spread by those looking to be recognized without sufficient data to back their claims.

No one using a FOSS operating system like fedora would expect anything like what users get from google, microsoft, and apple.

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That is not the plan currently. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/40/ChangeSet

For more information about the telemetry proposal see Changes/Telemetry - Fedora Project Wiki

The target for this proposal is Fedora 40 but it will only be implemented if Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCO) approves it. (There is still time to submit a Change proposal for F40, see https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-40/f-40-key-tasks.html)


Time will tell if those whom you alleged of spreading FUD are right.

The owner of Red Hat is a tech giant which wants to ensure that every penny spent on Fedora is worth its investment. And this tech giant is accountable to its stockholders.

How will ordinary Fedorans know if Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCO) implements telemetry in Fedora 40? The URL that you provided does not specifically mention about the inclusion of telemetry in Fedora 40.

That proposal was withdrawn.

Submittors wanted to rework it based on all the feedback it got.
Once they do so they are free to submit it for discussion again…


It will be documentedas Change, see the link @vekruse posted.

Did you mean the proposal to include telemetry in Fedora 40 has been withdrawn?

Sorry I don’t quite get it.

What did you mean by “submit it for discussion again”? There is only an interval of about 7 months or so from now till the launch date of the “RTM” version of Fedora 40. Will there be sufficient time for submittors to include telemetry if the conclusion of the so-called discussion approves of it (i.e. telemetry)?

Did you mean the proposal to include telemetry in Fedora 40 has been withdrawn?

Yes. The submitter was going to re-work it based on the feedback so far
and as far as I know, was going to re-submit that reworked proposal at
some point.

Sorry I don’t quite get it.

What did you mean by “submit it for discussion again”? There is only an interval of about 7 months or so from now till the launch date of the “RTM” version of Fedora 40. Will there be sufficient time for submittors to include telemetry if the conclusion of the so-called discussion approves of it (i.e. telemetry)?


The system-wide change proposal submission deadline is 2023-12-26.
The self contained change proposal submission deadline is 2024-01-16.

So, they have until then to (re)submit it. Then it needs at least one
week of discussion/feedback before fesco would even think about voting
on it.

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Besides the fact that the proposal was withdrawn, it was coming from a Fedora Workstation team member, and, iirc, applicable only to Workstation.

My understanding is that Fedora Workstation is not equivalent to Fedora itself, although it is their main (only?) officially supported user DE product. It is built from a subset of the software assembled into Fedora just as are all of the various DE Spins, Server, et al.

All of that is a really long winded way of saying that even if telemetry is introduced into Workstation you can still use Fedora by selecting one of the non-Gnome DE spins other than Workstation proper. It isn’t a perfect solution for you, but it is a solution. :slight_smile:

Because you mentioned Red Hat as the primary sponsor of the Fedora project, maybe you are interested in seeing the video: What Does Red Hat Want? in the flock 2023


im ready for the next fedora’s telemetry. it must be useful for fedora and enrich user experience later