Fedora 37 nextcloud-client 3.6.x

Hello, currently I have the problem that the Nextcloud desktop clients have problems in Fedora 37 that occurred after one of the updates.
I noticed that the tray icons were no longer displayed.
Installed is the Nextcloud desktop version 3.6.1 as flatpak.

  1. the tray icon is not loaded
  2. no connection is established after starting the GUI.
  3. the settings cannot be edited.

I uninstalled this version and had version 3.6.0 installed as RPM.
This version starts in the background and in Nautilus the folders with green dots are shown as synchronous which the Flatpak version had not shown.


  1. this version of the Nextcloud desktop client does not launch, no GUI opens.

Currently I am on fedora-37 kernel: 5.19.11-300.fc37.x86_64 arch: x86_64

Am currently a bit perplexed and maybe someone can help me.

Kind regards

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I have simmiliar issues with Nextcloud. Flatpak version had issues when starting the app (no connection) so I moved to RPM version. I found out that the GUI doesn’t start on startup, so I have to open it manually. And that I have to wait for a minute or two after the fresh start of the F37. After that the GUI opens.

Interesting to hear and thanks for the information.

do you have any idea why this is so delayed?

four questions about it.

  1. Do you have a tray icon with the RPM version?
  2. Do you have Nautilus Sync points in the file manager?
  3. Have you enabled Nextcloud files in Gnome settings in the accounts?
  4. When searching in Nautilus, do you have the problem that the Nautilus file manager crashes when you click the back button?


Feedback, after going from Flatpak 3.6.1 back to 3.6.0 as RPM, it doesn’t start on startup from Gnome program manager.

The sync setting is opened from Nautilus via the context Nexcloud Icon.

A tray icon is still gone but it syncs as intended.

I’m still on 3.6.0 and:

  1. I don’t have a tray icon,
  2. I had the points in Nautilus, but they are gone…
  3. Yes
  4. It doesn’t crash. At least I didn’t noticed :slight_smile:



that with the tray icons should generally be a weak point.
In Ubuntu 22.4.1 LTS, the Synology Sync Client icon has disappeared since last week.

The crashes of are currently gone since the last update.

I noticed that the green sync dots come back when the Nextcloud Files option in the Control Panel is disabled.

I’m not entirely sure about the need for this feature.
In Nautilus, there are three Nextcloud directories on the right, with the file option embedding Nextcloud as a mounted drive.

Absolutely weird behavior, now the Next-Cloud tray icon is back but the Synology Desktop Client icon is gone…
Haven’t done anything, better not ask what’s going on here LOL :rofl:

Now as under Ubuntu 22.4.1 LTS

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Strange story…


Did you try the command?

Yes, I tried it in the test environment.

The content is erased and refreshed.

Currently, however, the current version of Fedora 37 is likely to be a little idiosyncratic, because the Synology Client has also disappeared from the systray bar and the client no longer logged in.

I read now that version 37 will not be released until mid-November and yet last week an update raised my version to final?

Weird but everything will be fine :sunglasses:

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On a fresh Fedora 37, I struggled to get the Nextcloud Client 3.6.1 working.

It was running at startup but in the background, with no tray icon, and I couldn’t open the Settings to configure my folders whatsoever…

The following Gnome Shell Extension helped me having a tray icon back (at least to configure the sync):

AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support

A user suggested you need to install it using the command line below (not from the website) and reboot:

sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator

Now everything is working fine and I can open the sync settings from Nautilus via the context Nexcloud Icon. So I might uninstall the previous Gnome Shell extension.

Hope that helps someone.

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I think the problem is described at: Nextcloud client behaving strange in Fedora 33 (Gnome) - ℹ️ Support - Nextcloud community

The bottom line is nextcloud client app is build with QT and that doesn’t work well with wayland jet. However there is a workaround. For normal Fedora it should be:

QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb nextcloud

If you use the flatpak or silverblue:

sudo flatpak override --env=QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb com.nextcloud.desktopclient.nextcloud

Did it for me. To get a Tray Icon I use:

Note: I had to logout and login again before the tray icon appeared.