Fedora 36: grub does not have a Windows entry

This is a dualboot Think X1 Gen 9 uefi laptop.
After the upgrade to F36, my grub menu does not have a windows entry.
I have followed instructions in the Fedora Handbook to remove and reinstall grub, but it makes no difference.
there is a Microsoft directory in /boot/efi/EFI
and I can boot Windows by choose the boot loader as the bios boot device.

I don’t know how to fix this.

if your PC use UFEI BIOS, try do below.

sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
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sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Do this

This was fedora 33 or older which uses this now this is a smaller file.

I remain really puzzled by this. It was a F36 upgrade from F35. I don’t boot into windows very often so my memory of when it stopped working is hazy, but I assume it was the upgrade. All my many efforts to fix it with rebuilding grub failed, including even reinstalling it. osprober just could not see windows. I ended up adding a custom entry.

But actually, my windows install had a problem. I was stuck in a windows update loop, where the latest feature update would get to 100% and then uninstall itself with no useful diagnostic. In trying to fix that, I wanted to boot into safe mode, but it was disabled, and I could not make a Windows Restore image (errors), and booting with a a windows usb image also would not allow restore. My windows boot was allowing me to get into windows, but broken in some subtle way that defeated all efforts to repair. I spent hours trying to fix that, but in the end I had to reimage my laptop (destroying my partitions) and reinstall everything, including Fedora 36. And this time, grub just worked, like usual.

So I have no idea what the problem was, and I will never know now.


Sounds to me like windows had a systemic error and that caused the boot loader to be non-functional so fedora could not find windows. Reasonable analysis since you had to totally reinstall windows.

It is possible that the windows partition may have been corrupted or the wrong size so the update could not complete.

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If your system allows you i recommend you that you can install windows in gnome box with kvm hypervisor tech it is easy to use and works.
Reactos is also a good option ifbyou want to run exe windows softwares and also wine is there in linux if this options allows your use case then you can do this.

thanks … I have win10 running in qemu (I used virt-manager) and it’s very nice (I normally use vmware workstation but gave qemu a try, and it’s a keeper, at least for windows on my laptop). But sometimes I need windows on bare metal.