Fedora 34 upgrade - root locked

I am upgraded fedora 34, and error

Hp laptop 1 boot: fedora 34
/Dev/sda1- boot
/Dev/sda2 - EFI
/Dev/sda3- home

I am Linux man 8 sulogin. Not helpful

I am google search’s and ask fedora is grub/2… Yes??

My mind is answers step- by-step … Grub/2 …

Try rebooting, and when the grub menu displays press “e” to edit.

At the end of the line beginning with linux add a space and the number 1 then ctrl-x to boot.

It should boot to single user mode where you can repair the error, and if desired create a password for the root user so login is possible in emergency mode next time.

If it cannot boot to single user mode then you may need to boot from the install (live) usb device and do repairs from there.

“Ro” - change “rw” ??

Where is this from?
Is it the display when pressing “e” from the grub boot menu?

If so then no, that line is correct for a default install of fedora 34. I verified it on my fedora 34 VM.

If you’re having trouble booting into single-user mode, follow the instructions for editing the command line. Instead of adding a space and a 1, add this:


Then use Ctrl-x to boot. This will log you in as root without needing a password. If this works, you can create a root password as part of whatever diagnostics and repair work you need.

Do not work

Do not work

It is shell Bourne.

Grub? Grub2? Following directions?

I think you misunderstood.
Instead of both the number 1 and init=/bin/bash, he suggested using one or the other, not both. The number 1 gets you to a login prompt, the init=/bin/bash actually logs you in as root.

I would, for testing purposes, delete the “rhgb quiet” and anything following then insert “init=/bin/bash” instead. Boot with ctrl-X then you will be able to see the text as it boots. It should get you to the single user mode and logged in as root.


Grub? Grub2?

You have to put the init=/bin/bash at the very end of the line that starts with linux, not on a line of its own before that.

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You have to put the init=/bin/bash at the very end of the line that starts with linux, not on a line of its own before that.


Grub? Grub2? Grubby? I am Procedures following

You are root in a bash shell. This is where you can repair the problem that prevents booting, including giving root a password so you can log in if this ever happens again.

Your very first post showed you were in emergency mode but unable to log in as root with the account locked as is default.

When in single user mode you can look at what is actually mounted, and with dmesg and journalctl look at the logs to see why the system failed to emergency mode instead of a normal boot. It may be a file system error, it may be hardware error, it may be something else but you have to investigate to identify why and fix it.

Maybe the /home file system failed to mount due to corruption, maybe something else. Only the logs will be able to tell us the cause.

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  No errors


(Dmesg >> dmesg.out
Journalctl >> journalctl.out
I am not transfer USB and cdrom.)

Google searches: Grub? Grub2? I am use Procedures follow!

Please post the output of



cat /etc/fstab

If possible post those as text and not images.
The button on the upper bar of the input window that appears as </> allows retaining the formatting seen on screen and in files you copy from. Simply replace the Preformatted text that it gives with your data.

If possible post those as text and not images.

I am cell phone is ask fedora org. And HP laptop is not internet.

So? Redirect the output to a file, and post the contents of the file. If you don’t know how to do that, learn, as it’s a basic part of using Unix/Linux/BSD from a command line.

Nothing is mounted except / so it appears likely that there is a file system corruption.

first try the command
mount -a
then the command
so we can see exactly what was successfully mounted.

If everything mounted cleanly you should be good to go and be able to reboot. If not then we need to do some repairs before you can reboot.

/Dev/sda3 - mounted on /
/Dev/sda3 - mounted on /home

Try commenting out the /media/backup mountpoint in your fstab and reboot.

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That is exactly what I expected. Please follow the suggestion of @guiltydoggy above.

To make it usable but not mandatory then alter the options on that line and add ‘nofail’ to it so the options read defaults,nofail. Also change the last 2 fields to 0 2 instead of the existing 0 0. Doing so will allow a boot without forcing you to have that device connected.

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