FCOS // Pi HATs, activate/use HAT installed on UART GPIO Pin 14,15

I want to use the z-wave, RaZberry 7 pro.

It works fine on Raspberry OS but you are adised to deactivate Bluetooth and activate UART Overlay: Point 4 and 5 in Diagnostics of the RaZberry board and the Raspberry pi UART port - Z-Wave.Me

I understand I have to do simlar things in Fedora according to Architectures/ARM/Raspberry Pi/HATs - Fedora Project Wiki
Does this apply to CoreOS as well?
I’m able to run Architectures/ARM/gpio - Fedora Project Wiki in a toolbox.

I assume you still have to turn off Bluetooth to use UART0 as said in uart - How to use serial and bluetooth at the same time - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange, How to use Bluetooth and UART both. - Raspberry Pi Forums and How to use Bluetooth and UART both. - Raspberry Pi Forums