Failed to start container fedora-toolbox-40

Hi everyone, I’m on Fedora Workstation 40 and Toolbox doesn’t work anymore.
I had this issue before and I had solved by deleting the container and the image, but this time it doesn’t work.
This seems to be a widespread problem, but I haven’t found a solution.

➜   toolbox enter --log-level debug
DEBU Running as real user ID 1000                 
DEBU Resolved absolute path to the executable as /usr/bin/toolbox 
DEBU Running on a cgroups v2 host                 
DEBU Looking up sub-GID and sub-UID ranges for user username 
DEBU TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox             
DEBU Migrating to newer Podman                    
DEBU Toolbox config directory is /home/username/.config/toolbox 
DEBU Current Podman version is 5.1.1              
DEBU Creating runtime directory /run/user/1000/toolbox 
DEBU Old Podman version is 5.1.1                  
DEBU Migration not needed: Podman version 5.1.1 is unchanged 
DEBU Setting up configuration                     
DEBU Setting up configuration: file /home/username/.config/containers/toolbox.conf not found 
DEBU Resolving container and image names          
DEBU Container: ''                                
DEBU Distribution (CLI): ''                       
DEBU Image (CLI): ''                              
DEBU Release (CLI): ''                            
DEBU Resolved container and image names           
DEBU Container: 'fedora-toolbox-40'               
DEBU Image: 'fedora-toolbox:40'                   
DEBU Release: '40'                                
DEBU Resolving container and image names          
DEBU Container: ''                                
DEBU Distribution (CLI): ''                       
DEBU Image (CLI): ''                              
DEBU Release (CLI): ''                            
DEBU Resolved container and image names           
DEBU Container: 'fedora-toolbox-40'               
DEBU Image: 'fedora-toolbox:40'                   
DEBU Release: '40'                                
DEBU Checking if container fedora-toolbox-40 exists 
DEBU Inspecting mounts of container fedora-toolbox-40 
DEBU Starting container fedora-toolbox-40         
Error: failed to start container fedora-toolbox-40

Did you disable user namespaces??

Added f40, podman, toolbx

No, I did not disable user namespaces.

I had kind of the same problem:
manually created a new user; moved the containers directory from coreos user to the new user + changed permissions/user to the new user.

(my) solution:

> export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/.xdg/${UID}"

podman system reset

image was downloaded fine :wink:
errors after podman compose up -d (homeassistant directory with dockercompose.yaml)
WARN[0000] The cgroupv2 manager is set to systemd but there is no systemd user session available
WARN[0000] For using systemd, you may need to log in using a user session
WARN[0000] Alternatively, you can enable lingering with: loginctl enable-linger 1002 (possibly as root)
WARN[0000] Falling back to --cgroup-manager=cgroupfs
Have you tried `sudo loginctl enable-linger [username]`? This used to be well-do... | Hacker News
Chapter 14. Porting containers to systemd using Podman | Red Hat Product Documentation
Rootless Podman Quadlet · nextcloud/all-in-one · Discussion #3487 · GitHub
podman-restart.service Does Not Restart "unless-stopped" Containers · Issue #20418 · containers/podman · GitHub