F41 flathub

Before F41 I was able to enable flathub in the Software app then after a reboot the flathub packages would be available from the command line DNF (sudo dnf install -y “package name”) and dnfdragora. That’s no longer the case.

How can I add the flathub repo to DNF so I can install flathub packages with dnf from the command line and with scripts? Details will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

Pat (tablepc)

With fedora 40 and earlier dnf used python.
With fedora 41 dnf was switched to dnf5 which seems to be a c++ app and thus works differently.
You can install and upgrade flatpaks from flathub using the flatpak command

I suspect the change also impacted the software app.

Really? Was it possible to install packages from Flathub by using dnf? Are you sure?

Sorry my mistake. I found a new app I like (FormatLab) in flathub, but it was a couple months back I thought I installed it with DNF. I just proved to myself I must have installed it with Software. Again Sorry.

Pat (tablepc)

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Thanks! After a little searching around in man flatpak and the flathub website I got it working. Thanks for your help.

Pat (tablepc)