A few weeks ago, my motherboard died during a system upgrade. As a result I was forced to replace it. While everything went fine with the upgrade (it carried on like nothing had even happened), now my ethernet is just broken.
I will say this now, before anyone asks, because it’s everyone’s favorite go-to with these kinds of issues: It is not the cabling!
I tried multiple known good cables, including the original cable, which worked fine with the original board, at gigabit speeds, foe years, and the cable that I’m currently using with my laptop, which is working fine, with no change.
I also tried connecting to different network switches, cleaning the the onboard network port, and even using an external network adapter, all with no change.
No matter what I do, any ethernet connection is pinned at 100mb/s at half-duplex.
The actual speed is even worse, ranging sporadically from 2-5Mb/s, down to just a few kb/s. This is for both local, and internet traffic, making using and managing my network a nightmare.
I really need this to be working. I even tried booting into a live image (I really need to reinstall anyway, but I don’t want to bother if it wont help), but it didn’t show any improvement.
I have no idea what to do!
It’s been weeks!
Please, I will take any help I can get. My workstation is unusable, and I don’t know what to do.
If I can’t get this working, my only other option will be to bridge my ethernet network over to my Infiniband network, as that’s the only thing that’s working correctly, but I want to keep those networks isolated for security reasons.