Hi. I was recently trying to solve AMDGPU problem. Might be connected to my question. While installing an internet browser the terminal showed some red-colored lines. I want to check with you guys if I should do anything about it. Even more so because there are some issues with my AMD graphics on Fedora. Thanks
Here is the error:
Updating and loading repositories:
Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates 100% | 39.3 KiB/s | 24.7 KiB | 00m01s
AMDGPU 6.2.3 repository 100% | 3.0 KiB/s | 2.1 KiB | 00m01s
>>> Status code: 404 for https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/6.2.3/el//main/x86_64/re
>>> Status code: 404 for https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/6.2.3/el//main/x86_64/re
>>> Status code: 404 for https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/6.2.3/el//main/x86_64/re
>>> Status code: 404 for https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/6.2.3/el//main/x86_64/re
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.x
Repositories loaded.
Package "dnf-plugins-core-4.10.0-1.fc41.noarch" is already installed.
Yeah sorry. I did install Linux drivers from the AMD page. They did nothing to help the problem of major flickering artifacts that I solved thanks to user named litemotiv (Thanks!) Now, the artifacts are gone but the screen flickers now and then still. Its nothing major, but I think it shouldn’t have happened. I will post about that in the other topic I created.
Regarding the error in the terminal. Should I ignore it?
I think you can just ignore it, it means the AMD repo could not be found, and the package was "dnf-plugins-core’ was already installed. But it would have helped if you had included the command you ran to get to the errors.
If the browser you installed worked fine then all should be good on this front.
In your other thread Occasional screen flickering you will want to mention that you have added the AMD repo and installed what you installed from there.