I am using a HP Omen 15 gaming laptop with a geforce 3050 laptop gpu and a intel i5-12500H. The laptop came with 8gb of ram but I would later upgrade it to 16gb.
I have had issues like this chase me through windows, default fedora and now kde fedora. The general problem is that a game launches, the gpu gets utilized and seemingly unrelated to whatever load is being put on it, it stops working. Easier to run games like Webfishing work well, and surprisingly Doom 2016 works amazing but the second I try something a little harder like risk of rain or satisfactory the game freezes and the entire computer cannot be interacted with. the only way to get it to respond is to reboot it using the physical power button. Setting the graphics lower has no effect on how long it takes to crash. Initially I suspected it was a driver issue, but the fact that the drivers are up to date and some games do run seems to invalidate that. I then thought that it might be my computer running out of ram so I got more, which still didn’t fix the problem.
I somewhat suspected this because when I first got the computer (with windows) it seemed to run everything fine, running battlefield one at high graphics without a problem. Idk when it started but the game and others would play for a bit and then crash saying “GPU device hung” this did not occur with lighter games. Thinking this was a windows issue (and getting fed up with windows in general) I switched to fedora. The os experience was great but the issues persisted. Based on a linux user friend they suggested KDE because it supports x11 and that might be the reason why everything was freezing. Regardless it still has the same issue. Command line indicates there might be a bios issue in the logs but frankly Im not smart enough to make sense of it. Any insight would be helpful, this issue has been plaguing me for over a year, any progress would be amazing.
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The BIOS errors are common and unlikely your issue.
But by all means update your BIOS to see if things improve.
Where did you get the nvidia drivers you are using from?
Is it rpmfusion?
Have you tested your memory using memtest to make sure you do not have a memory issue?
I am using Rpm fusion to get my Nvidea drivers
I ran memtester with the default 8gb of RAM installed and the test reported fine. Games still freeze with the 8gb in and the computer is noticeably slower doing regular tasks. I will test the 16gb later, although I doubt it is the issue.
here are the memtester 8gb test results:
pagesize is 4096
pagesizemask is 0xfffffffffffff000
want 4096MB (4294967296 bytes)
got 4096MB (4294967296 bytes), trying mlock …locked.
Loop 1/1:
Stuck Address : ok
Random Value : ok
Compare XOR : ok
Compare SUB : ok
Compare MUL : ok
Compare DIV : ok
Compare OR : ok
Compare AND : ok
Sequential Increment: ok
Solid Bits : ok
Block Sequential : ok
Checkerboard : ok
Bit Spread : ok
Bit Flip : ok
Walking Ones : ok
Walking Zeroes : ok
8-bit Writes : ok
16-bit Writes : ok
I have not tried running games in 8GiB for years and wonder if you run out of memory when the game runs?
If so I would expect journal logs from OOM killer.
I don’t think that’s the case, I ran factorio as a test with the full 16gb of ram installed and it crashed. system manager reported that it was only using at most 7.6GB of Ram and 15% of my cpu. this is also after installing the latest HP bios for my laptop.
Run memtest with the 16GiB memory installed and see if that works.
When you have a game crash look at sudo dmesg
. The last few lines may give a clue to the problem.
16gb of Ram seems fine according to memtester.
Memtester results:
pagesize is 4096
pagesizemask is 0xfffffffffffff000
want 11264MB (11811160064 bytes)
got 11264MB (11811160064 bytes), trying mlock …locked.
Loop 1/1:
Stuck Address : ok
Random Value : ok
Compare XOR : ok
Compare SUB : ok
Compare MUL : ok
Compare DIV : ok
Compare OR : ok
Compare AND : ok
Sequential Increment: ok
Solid Bits : ok
Block Sequential : ok
Checkerboard : ok
Bit Spread : ok
Bit Flip : ok
Walking Ones : ok
Walking Zeroes : ok
8-bit Writes : ok
16-bit Writes : ok
Also does dmesg log things that happen before a computer restart? Because I can’t run it after the game crashes because my computer freezes
Look in /var/log/messages