
MultiMC is a free, open source launcher for Minecraft. It allows you to have multiple, separate instances of Minecraft (each with their own mods, texture packs, saves, etc) and helps you manage them and their associated options with a simple interface.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/elxreno/multimc/
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Whoever you are, whatever it is you are doing.

Thank you for maintaining this branch.
You’ve saved me the trouble of maintaining tar balls myself or switch back to a Debian distro entirely.
note, is it possible to get this upstream in RPM Fusion?

In theory, maybe. But unfortunately, I do not have enough time to keep track of updates and update it in time. But I will be happy to help anyone who wants to support MultiMC in RPMFusion.

Thank you so much for maintaining this repo.
I just want to ask if it’s possible at all to add xrandr as a runtime dependency, as older versions of minecraft use LWJGL 2, which i believe has a dependency on xrandr when there’s more than one monitor.
Just might clear the confusion if someone installs this package without xrandr also installed and doesn’t realize why certain versions of minecraft don’t launch (like me).

I apologize for the delay. Thanks for the feedback! I added xrandr as a weak dependency.

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Thank you so much! Appreciate the work you’re doing maintaining this.

trying to launch a instance with this immediately closes the launcher with no error in the terminal.
probably due to the fact that i have a microsoft account, so i have to use the binary from the multimc website. can this be fixed?

I know (or assume) your doing this in your spare time, so I’ll just leave here, that Forge modpacks in MC1.17 and MC1.18 don’t work in the current version, but are apperantly fixed by multimc. It would be great if the new version where to be rolled out.

If someone needs those features they’ll have to prefer the offical tarball - for now.

Just wanted to let you know that this issue is popping up on this package. According to that issue, along with the numerous duplicates, this is a packaging issue.

it makes it very difficult to use this copr as I’ve converted my account to a Microsoft account.

Just wanted to let you know so the next time you are testing this before rebuilding you have one gotcha to watch out for.

Also, love this copr.