Here’s the agenda for the meeting 2022-10-19T18:30:00Z in #fedora-meeting-1:
- Announcements
- Action item followup
- pboy to test run the new builder script on Mac
- no ticket flagged for meeting on GitLab
- Your topics here!
Here’s the agenda for the meeting 2022-10-19T18:30:00Z in #fedora-meeting-1:
As far as I see, we need to discuss our proposal about future release notes generation.
Please, have a look at Issue #2868: Release Notes Improvement - fesco - We should check, what our preferences are.
Don’t forget that merge requests flagged for meeting are not contained in this list There are none flagged at the moment, but we might keep that in mind
I push a first cut of new fedora docs home page and fedora docs web front page to the corresponding repos stg branch. It should be visible at Fedora Documentation :: Fedora Docs Staging as I understood. But somehow it is not.
And we should review the current state of F37 release notes.
Minutes and full logs are available.