DNF update segmentation fault Fedora 32 Jam

I just ran # dnf update. At the end of the process, I get the message segmentation fault. Is there something I need to sort out before I do a restart? Wondering why dnf would complain about a segmentation fault…

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Verify RPM database consistency and package integrity:

sudo rpm --rebuilddb
sudo rpm --verify --all

Check package manager related issues:

sudo dnf clean all
sudo dnf check all
sudo dnf distro-sync
sudo dnf remove --duplicates

Schedule file system check on reboot:

sudo touch /forcefsck

Also, this may be a sign of faulty hardware.

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OK, I ran all of the commands with no errors. Interestingly, I have tried running memtest86+ without and with sudo, with the only response being memtest86+: command not found. I have checked, and memtest86+ is installed.

I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do to get it to run as there is no installed man page.

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