Delay in starting the boot splash screen

Hello everyone, i first noticed this issue when i switch to kde for better application set, so this issue isn’t, at least for me, on gnome…
When i reboot/shutdown my system (GUI and command line but without the flag --now) i expected to see the plymouth splash screen and then reboot.

But for 5-6 seconds maybe more the system stay just “normal” i mean, i am amble to close and open windows and stuff like that and then after this seconds the plymouth splash appears and then reboot ( same issue with shutdown).

I tryed kde plasma on other distros (same version) and fedora is the only one affected.

In case will be usefull this is my hw config:

Lenovo yoga 7 ARP8
1920X1200 OLED screen
AMD RYZEN 7 7000s

Thanks in advance for your help, and excuse me if i made some mistakes, im not native english speaker :slight_smile: