Click a mailto: link to open thunderbird

How do I have Fedora to open an email when clicking a mailto: link?

I’m not sure, but according to the documentation, you should be able to create a ~/.config/mimeapps.list file containing:

[Added Associations]

[Default Applications]

See also:

  1. XDG MIME Applications - ArchWiki
  2. Default applications - ArchWiki
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You can skip added associations since it’s already there:
Tree - rpms/thunderbird -

And just change the defaults with one command:

xdg-mime default org.mozilla.thunderbird.desktop \
    message/rfc822 x-scheme-handler/mailto

Thanks. That sounds great!. How do I get Thunderbird open a new mail when I click a mailto link?

Did Vladislav’s command not work? If you don’t have the xdg-mime command on your system, you might need to install the xdg-utils package.

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