I’d like to meet at a later hour of the day. Anyone else onboard with changing the meeting time?
I wrangled the following information about existing meeting times out of fedlocal. I’m thinking it would be best to try to avoid busy hours. I’m assuming most of the listed meetings are weekly. I didn’t pull the days for the meetings, but if there are more than five for a given hour, then it seems likely that there is one every workday. This isn’t necessarily the case though since there are several different meeting locations. Many of these are also concurrent.
01:00 01:30 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net ambassadors Fedora Ambassadors Latam Meeting 01:00 02:00 null ambassadors FAmNA 04:30 05:30 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net G11N G11N 05:30 06:30 null i18n i18n 10:00 11:00 fedora-india@freenode.net SIGs Fedora India regular catch up 10:30 11:30 fedora-i3@irc.freenode.net SIGs Fedora i3wm SIG 12:00 13:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net marketing Magazine editorial board 13:00 14:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net council FPgM office hours 13:00 14:00 irc://irc.freenode.net/fedora-zh ambassadors FZUG (Chinese) IRC Meeting 13:30 14:30 https://bluejeans.com/395383051/ workstation Workstation WG 14:00 14:30 cloud Atomic release go/no go meeting 14:00 15:00 fedora-diversity@irc.freenode.net diversity-team Fedora D&I check-in 14:00 15:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net council CPE PO Office Hours 14:00 15:00 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net fesco FESCo Meeting 14:00 15:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net Security Team activities Security Team Meeting 14:00 15:00 null commops Fedora Social Hour 14:15 15:15 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net base Base Design WG meeting 14:30 15:00 fedora-ci@irc.freenode.net SIGs Fedora CI SIG 14:30 15:00 fedora-meeting-1@chat.freenode.net SIGs Haskell SIG 14:30 15:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net SIGs DotNet IRC Meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net base Prioritized bugs and issues 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net council CPE PO Office Hours 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net QA Prioritized bugs and issues 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net SIGs Fedora ARM & AArch64 status meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net SIGs java-maint-sig Meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting-3@irc.freenode.net release-engineering Fedora Release Engineering 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net base Prioritized bugs and issues 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net IoT IoT Working Group weekly meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net QA Fedora QA Meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net Security Team activities Security Team Meeting 15:00 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net SIGs KDE SIG Meeting 15:00 16:00 null commops Fedora Social Hour 15:15 16:15 fedora-meeting-2@irc.freenode.net base Base Design WG meeting 15:30 16:00 fedora-ci@irc.freenode.net SIGs Fedora CI SIG 15:30 16:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net SIGs DotNet IRC Meeting 16:00 17:00 commops CommOps Meeting 16:00 17:00 fedora-i3@irc.freenode.net SIGs Fedora i3wm SIG 16:00 17:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net cloud Fedora Cloud Workgroup 16:00 17:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net infrastructure Fedora Infrastructure 16:00 17:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net packaging Fedora Packaging Committee 16:00 17:00 fedora-meeting-3@irc.freenode.net infrastructure Fedora Infrastructure 16:00 17:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net SIGs ELN SIG 16:00 19:00 QA Blocker Review Meeting 16:30 17:30 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net CoreOS Fedora CoreOS Group Weekly Meeting 16:30 17:30 fedora-mindshare@irc.freenode.net mindshare Mindshare Committee Meeting 17:00 18:00 fedora-golang@irc.freenode.net SIGs Go SIG Meeting 17:00 18:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net council Council meeting 17:00 18:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net fesco FESCo Meeting 17:00 18:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net server Fedora Server WG 17:00 18:00 https://bluejeans.com/6567714215 council Fedora Council Video Meeting: Fedora Server revamp 17:00 18:00 https://bluejeans.com/6567714215 council Fedora Council Video Meeting: Is Fedora Linux the next Digital Public Good? 17:00 18:00 https://bluejeans.com/6567714215 council Fedora Council Video Meeting: New account system 17:00 18:00 https://bluejeans.com/8933049334 okd OKD WG Docs Meeting 17:00 18:00 https://bluejeans.com/8933049334 okd OKD Working Group Meeting 17:00 18:00 https://meet.kde.org/b/ale-swq-39j kde-sig KDE SIG 17:00 19:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net Fedora release F34 Final Go/No-Go meeting 17:00 19:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net Fedora release F34 Beta Go/No-Go meeting 18:00 18:25 fedora-admin@irc.freenode.net infrastructure Fedora Infra Ops Daily Standup 18:00 19:00 fedora-golang@irc.freenode.net SIGs Go SIG Meeting 18:00 19:00 https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/67zc3kvkovelxctlilphwodlp4e red-team CHAOSS weekly team meeting 18:00 19:00 https://meet.kde.org/b/ale-swq-39j kde-sig KDE SIG 18:00 19:00 https://unomaha.zoom.us/j/609939109 red-team CHAOSS monthly call 18:00 19:00 null design 🎨 Design Team Sessions Live (🎥 Video Chat) 18:30 19:30 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net ambassadors Fedora-fr 19:00 20:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net ambassadors Fedora UK Ambassadors 19:30 20:30 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net ambassadors Fedora-fr 20:00 21:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net council FPgM office hours 20:00 21:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net ambassadors Fedora UK Ambassadors 20:00 21:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net epel EPEL Steering Committee 21:00 22:00 fedora-meeting-1@irc.freenode.net SIGs Rust SIG Meeting 21:00 22:00 fedora-meeting@irc.freenode.net G11N G11N (L10N focused) 22:30 23:30 meet.opensuse.org/fedora-podcast podcast Recording session 22:59 23:59 null commops Fedora Social Hour
There are lots of lines (meetings) scheduled between the hours of 14:00 to 19:00. The magazine is currently scheduled for 08:00 US/Eastern (12:00 UTC) (to convert the UTC times to your local timezone, enter the command date -d 'HH:MM UTC'
in your terminal; you can use TZ=UTC date -d 'HH:MM'
to convert the other way).
I’d like to propose meeting at 15:00 or 16:00 US/Eastern (currently 19:00 or 20:00 UTC). There is a meeting in our current channel (fedora-meeting) at 20:00 UTC on Wednesdays (EPEL Steering Committee). To steer clear of that meeting, I’d like to also propose moving the day to Friday. I also like Friday because I like to think in terms of Sunday through Saturday weeks. Having the meeting mid-week has thrown me off a time or two before. Also, when the queue is running low and things are not scheduled out well in advance, the editor who ends up with the first article has two days (the weekend) to do the editing as opposed to just one day (currently Thursday).