Welcome, Alex. Good that you found the origin of the problem. May be the simplest solution is to reinstall the kernel with “sudo dnf reinstall kernel-core-6.2.13-300” and see whether error messages are displayed. If you have a separate boot partition, is it large enough to accommodate the kernels and initramfs files? If not, use “dnf remove” to remove the oldest one, but always keep two working ones!
You probably will want to revert that setting to the default (latest) kernel.
If left as is the action seems as if it would always use the 6.2.13 kernel even when a newer one is installed.
So,ty for your reply ,I used that command to test the right kernel boot.
btw today I updated to 6.2.14 with dnf and grub2 has been automatic updated as well as the default kernel to boot.