Cannot Install TP-Link T9UH (Realtek TRTL8814AU) driver in Fedora 40

Here is my situation and the steps that I have followed so far. I have installed Fedora 40 and applied all of the current updates. I have a Panda Wireless AC600 PAU0A that works “plug and play”, but it is slow. I would like to install my faster TP-Link T9UH USB wifi adapter and have it work with Fedora 40, but I am not having much success.

I have tried the following commands:

sudo dnf update [this completed successful]
sudo dnf reboot [No such command: reboot]
sudo dnf install kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms git [this appeared to be successful]
sudo git clone GitHub - aircrack-ng/rtl8814au: Realtek rtl8814au driver [this worked]
cd rtl8814au [went to rtl8814 directory]
make [This gives errors]

the next steps that I was going to try if make was successful was:

sudo make install
sudo ./

If anyone can help me i would appreciate it

Hi there. realtek-firmware package from the repos is not applicable to your WiFi adapter?

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Hi Mike,
I appreciate the reply! I tried it:

sudo dnf install realtek-firmware

WiFi Screenshot from 2024-08-04 19-06-17

then I entered in terminal:

cd rtl8814au

and received an error because of permissions. So I tried:

cd rtl8814au
sudo make

I thought that this would work, but in the end I received errors.

Mike, I got it working!

I tried the online driver and it just was not working for me. I deleted all of the downloaded files, started fresh and just used the original CD that came with the unit. So here is what I did.

  1. I copied the .zip file off of the original CD to my Home directory.
  2. I unzipped the .zip file and extracted to the Home directory.
  3. Then I opened the terminal and typed the following:

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms git

at this point I opened the Home folder, then I right-clicked the folder “8814au” and clicked “Open In Terminal” option. Once terminal was open I typed:

sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ./

after completion, it gave me the option to edit a file…I declined because I don’t really know what I’m doing anyway. I rebooted and the TP-LINK T9UH usb wifi adapter works. It is a lot faster than my Panda wireless adapter.


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The version of the TP-LINK T9UH that I have is version 1. On the manufacturer’s website I noticed that two driver versions are available: V1 and V2. I used V1.

Just wanted to add one more way to get this working via the “new” GitHub repo - rtw88/ at master · lwfinger/rtw88 · GitHub

This worked well for me tonight!

sudo dnf -y upgrade
sudo dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel
sudo dnf -y group install "C Development Tools and Libraries"

sudo reboot

mokutil --sb-state

git clone
cd rtw88
sudo make install 
sudo modprobe rtw_8814au

nmcli dev wifi list
nmcli dev wifi connect "your ssid" password "your pwd"