Cannot boot into F41 after deleting EFI partition

I tried to install win11 after fedora but it was giving BSOD error, and I tracked down the problem to be something with the EFI partition. So, I deleted the existing EFI partition and installed win11 letting it create it’s own EFI partition. I then chrooted into Fedora from a live USB and tried installing grub back in that EFI partition with the following commands:

dnf reinstall grub2-* shim-*
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

However, upon trying to boot Fedora, it gives me the “minimal bash like editing…” screen with a “grub>” prompt. How do I boot into Fedora?

Welcome to Fedora @deerawtcg

I changed your Title and removed [Help!] from it. That is what we do here, helping :slight_smile:

The file /etc/fstab must be properly configured and /boot/efi must be mounted at the proper location before the reinstall can complete properly.
Steps I would use.
(All should be done within the chroot environment)

  1. find the UUID of the new efi partition with lsblk -f
  2. use the UUID found in step 1 to edit and update then file /etc/fstab for mounting the efi partition. The lsblk output will be structured like
├─nvme0n1p1           vfat              FAT16                          52B5-5EC4                               315.4M     6% /boot/efi

and the UUID is the 4th column.
3. Once /etc/fstab is updated then mount that device using mount -a before you perform the reinstall of grub2-* and shim-*.

You also should check the output of efibootmgr to verify the entry for fedora is correct there.
You should see something like this in addition to the windows entries (and more).

$ efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0009,000A,000B
Boot0000* Fedora	HD(1,GPT,3e9fc420-a651-4d1e-b8e7-f1fac4970613,0x800,0xa7800)/\EFI\FEDORA\SHIMX64.EFI
Boot0009* Fedora	HD(1,GPT,3e9fc420-a651-4d1e-b8e7-f1fac4970613,0x800,0xa7800)/\EFI\FEDORA\SHIM.EFI0000424f

i did that a number of times and eventually the prompt at boot changed to “please provide password…” something command line. I did end up reinstalling fedora with a different ESP than windows and everything is fine as of now.