Bluetooth not working on kernel 6.11.3

After updating the linux kernel to 6.11.3 my bluetooth is not working anymore. It works fine when using kernel 6.10.12 thats available on grub.

“systemctl status bluetooth” is active and running

Using fedora 40 xfce with bluez and blueman

“bluetoothctl” says “No default controller available”

“hciconfig” is down even with “hciconfig up”

“lsusb” shows the bluetooth dongle is detected

I’m using this cheap bluetooth dongle but it was working perfectly on older kernel. Should i keep using the older kernel or is there a way to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Added bluetooth, xfce

I am in a similar situation as you.

  • System Information:
    • Distribution: Fedora 40 XFCE
    • Kernel Version: 6.11.2, 6.11.3, 6.11.4 (Issue occurs on 6.11.4)
  • Bluetooth Device Check:
    • lsusb shows the Bluetooth dongle is recognized.
  • Bluetooth Service Status:
    • systemctl status bluetooth shows the service is active (running).

Upon checking the boot logs, I found the following log only on 6.11.4:
[ 4.822755] Bluetooth: hci0: unexpected event for opcode 0x0000

Is anyone else experiencing this?

yeah it is a thing onn that kernel and possible fix is on testing

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Mine wasn’t working on kernel 6.11.3, but it is working on 6.11.4.

Bluetooth is still partially broken with kernel 6.11.7 / 6.11.8 / 6.11.9; Connecting to audio devices e.g. Sonos is not working. Keyboards and mice are working without issues. Fedora 40, GNOME Shell 46.6

journalctl only shows:

Nov 18 15:30:41 fedora boltd[1839]: probing: started [1000]
Nov 18 15:30:43 fedora boltd[1839]: probing: timeout, done: [2001487] (2000000)

I can also confirm. I’m on F41 and my Sony headphones refused pairing.

Updating to 6.12 fixes the issue.