Blender 2.92 doesn't run in fedora 34, from rpm fedora repository, flathub flatpak, oficial blender website


[chris@f34 ~]$ screenfetch 
        :-------------------::        OS: Fedora 
      :-----------/shhOHbmp---:\      Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.12.5-300.fc34.x86_64
    /-----------omMMMNNNMMD  ---:     Uptime: 14h 38m
   :-----------sMMMMNMNMP.    ---:    Packages: 1857
  :-----------:MMMdP-------    ---\   Shell: bash 5.1.0
 ,------------:MMMd--------    ---:   Resolution: 1920x1080
 :------------:MMMd-------    .---:   DE: GNOME 40.0
 :----    oNMMMMMMMMMNho     .----:   WM: Mutter
 :--     .+shhhMMMmhhy++   .------/   WM Theme: Adwaita
 :-    -------:MMMd--------------:    GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
 :-   --------/MMMd-------------;     Icon Theme: Adwaita
 :-    ------/hMMMy------------:      Font: Cantarell 11
 :-- :dMNdhhdNMMNo------------;       Disk: 23G / 143G (17%)
 :---:sdNMMMMNds:------------:        CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 @ 4x 3.2GHz [47.0°C]
 :------:://:-------------::          GPU: NVD9
 :---------------------://            RAM: 5831MiB / 15793MiB
[chris@f34 ~]$ 

Error in terminal, trying to run

[chris@f34 ~]$ blender
/usr/include/c++/11/bits/stl_deque.h:1328: std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[](std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type) [with _Tp = nv50_ir::ValueRef; _Alloc = std::allocator<nv50_ir::ValueRef>; std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference = nv50_ir::ValueRef&; std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type = long unsigned int]: Assertion '__n < this->size()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
[chris@f34 ~]$ 

flatpak installation

[chris@f34 ~]$ flatpak search blender
Name            Description                                    Application ID             Version        Branch        Remotes
Blender         Free and open source 3D creation suite         org.blender.Blender        2.92           stable        flathub

[chris@f34 ~]$ flatpak install flathub org.blender.Blender
Looking for matches…

org.blender.Blender permissions:
    ipc    network    pulseaudio    x11    dri    file access [1]

    [1] host

        ID                                              Branch            Op           Remote            Download
 1. [✓] org.blender.Blender.Codecs                      stable            i            flathub             9.7 MB / 9.8 MB
 2. [✓] org.blender.Blender.Locale                      stable            i            flathub             3.9 kB / 10.2 MB
 3. [✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full            20.08             i            flathub             3.9 MB / 4.1 MB
 4. [✓] org.blender.Blender                             stable            i            flathub           207.9 MB / 214.9 MB

flatpak error in terminal

[chris@f34 ~]$ flatpak run org.blender.Blender 
X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  147 ()
  Minor opcode of failed request:  7
  Serial number of failed request:  191
  Current serial number in output stream:  193
[chris@f34 ~]$ 

Error of blender from official website

[chris@f34 blender-2.92.0-linux64]$ ll
total 238948
drwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris        44 May 24 00:24 2.92
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris 244635248 Feb 25 04:33 blender
-rw-r--r--. 1 chris chris      5589 Jan 13 11:40 blender.desktop
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris       713 Jan 13 11:40 blender-softwaregl
-rw-r--r--. 1 chris chris      1732 Jan 13 11:40 blender.svg
-rw-r--r--. 1 chris chris      3874 Jan 13 11:40 blender-symbolic.svg
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris      5340 Jan 13 11:40
-rw-r--r--. 1 chris chris      4765 Jan 13 11:40 copyright.txt
drwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris       216 May 24 00:24 lib
drwxr-xr-x. 1 chris chris       410 May 24 00:24 license
-rw-r--r--. 1 chris chris      5200 Feb 25 04:31 readme.html

[chris@f34 blender-2.92.0-linux64]$ ./blender
/usr/include/c++/11/bits/stl_deque.h:1328: std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[](std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type) [with _Tp = nv50_ir::ValueRef; _Alloc = std::allocator<nv50_ir::ValueRef>; std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference = nv50_ir::ValueRef&; std::deque<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type = long unsigned int]: Assertion '__n < this->size()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
[chris@f34 blender-2.92.0-linux64]$ 

Thanks in advance. How can we resolve that?

Update : i have tested in a fedora 34 virtual machine(gnome-boxes) and there blender run (rpm fedora repository).

Bugs reported, Bug 1964069 - blender 2.92.0 crash fails when trying to run

I have change to nvidia graphic driver of RPM Fusion.


sudo dnf remove blender
flatpak remove org.blender.Blender
sudo dnf up

sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx akmod-nvidia-390xx
sudo systemctl reboot

I Remember trying to install in the release week of fedora 34 but the process failed and the pc ended up using nouveau.
Two weeks ago i installed a fresh fedora 34 and didn’t have the need to install nvidia drivers.
Fortunately, Now the rebuild of nvidia kmod was successfully for the new kernel installed there 5.12.5.
I will have to keep this kernel 5.12.5 just in case the next fails.

[chris@f34 blender-2.92.0-linux64]$ uname -r
[chris@f34 blender-2.92.0-linux64]$

And install blender again.

sudo dnf install blender

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