Black screen after GRUB on AMD desktop with all kernels later than 6.2.15 on F37 and F38; (no nvidia; KVM switch in use)

This could be linked to

and the related bug report:

Be aware that the topic is currently blurred between the issue with nvidia and the issue without nvidia. Initially, it was not clear that there are (at least) two issues. Focus on the points without nvidia (the nvidia issue is solved anyway).

I am aware that you have amd graphics, while the other user has Intel graphics, but it could still be linked.

You could also try what I suggested at this post (concerning trying without the rhgb quiet options to get some more data) and let us know: Fedora hangs on boot after upgrading to kernel 6.3.4 - #35 by py0xc3

Does the corrupted boot with 6.3.5 log in the journal? Can you provide that?