Anyone having issues with gnome-online-accounts?

None of my accounts work. I see a message claiming I need to “Sign in to reconnect to this account” but, when I do, it just fails.

It’s failing for all Google accounts and for my IMAP account.

Also, in the journal, I see these kinds of errors:

Nov 29 16:32:07 gnome-keyring-daemon[2706]: asked to register item /org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login/3, but it's already registered
Nov 29 16:32:24 gnome-keyring-daemon[2706]: asked to register item /org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login/3, but it's already registered
Nov 29 16:32:37 gnome-keyring-daemon[2706]: asked to register item /org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login/3, but it's already registered

Any ideas?

BTW, I noticed that the ssh-agent isn’t up either. This must be a gnome-keyring issue.

Sounds likely.

Note that, while gnome-keyring-daemon does ship with user unit files for systemd:

$ rpm -ql gnome-keyring|grep systemd

Those are both disabled by default, and its actual launching in user sessions appears to still be relegated to the legacy autostart files:

$ rpm -ql gnome-keyring|grep autostart

(Laaaaaaaaame. #DieAutostartDie)

1 Like

I’ve updated and, after a reboot, everything works fine now.

# dnf history info 173
Transaction ID : 173
Begin time     : 2024-11-30 06:37:28
Begin rpmdb    : 4875bd50db47f8fa1be688a84c29cf79aba4ae15d56b11ae10ae4228b8a27765
End time       : 2024-11-30 06:38:51
End rpmdb      : 4a1aaba1ea941af90577b5f8a0def444a4550507ea7bcbb5d34ec8420e386b9a
User           : 1000 Renich Bon Ćirić <renich>
Status         : Ok
Releasever     : 41
Description    : dnf distro-sync
Comment        : 
Packages altered:
  Action   Package                                                                        Reason          Repository
  Install  kernel-devel-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                         User            updates
  Install  kernel-modules-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                       User            updates
  Install  kernel-core-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                          User            updates
  Install  kernel-modules-core-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                  User            updates
  Install  kernel-modules-extra-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                 User            updates
  Install  kernel-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                               User            updates
  Upgrade  kernel-devel-matched-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                 Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  clang-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                                   Weak Dependency updates
  Upgrade  clang-libs-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  clang-resource-filesystem-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                               Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  clang-tools-extra-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                       Weak Dependency updates
  Upgrade  libomp-devel-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                            Weak Dependency updates
  Upgrade  compiler-rt-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                             Weak Dependency updates
  Upgrade  libomp-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                                  Weak Dependency updates
  Upgrade  dracut-0:103-3.fc41.x86_64                                                     Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  dracut-squash-0:103-3.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  dracut-network-0:103-3.fc41.x86_64                                             Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  dracut-config-rescue-0:103-3.fc41.x86_64                                       Group           updates
  Upgrade  grub2-common-1:2.12-15.fc41.noarch                                             Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  grub2-tools-minimal-1:2.12-15.fc41.x86_64                                      Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  grub2-tools-extra-1:2.12-15.fc41.x86_64                                        User            updates
  Upgrade  grub2-tools-1:2.12-15.fc41.x86_64                                              User            updates
  Upgrade  grub2-efi-x64-1:2.12-15.fc41.x86_64                                            User            updates
  Upgrade  kernel-tools-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                         Group           updates
  Upgrade  kernel-tools-libs-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                    Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  libclc-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                                  Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  libxcrypt-0:4.4.36-11.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  libxcrypt-devel-0:4.4.36-11.fc41.x86_64                                        Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  libxcrypt-0:4.4.36-11.fc41.i686                                                Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  llvm-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                                    Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  llvm-libs-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64                                               Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  llvm-libs-0:19.1.4-1.fc41.i686                                                 Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  perf-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                                 Group           updates
  Upgrade  python3-perf-0:6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64                                         Dependency      updates
  Upgrade  setroubleshoot-0:3.3.35-1.fc41.x86_64                                          Group           updates
  Upgrade  setroubleshoot-server-0:3.3.35-1.fc41.x86_64                                   Dependency      updates
  Remove   kernel-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                                User            @System
  Remove   kernel-core-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                           User            @System
  Remove   kernel-devel-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                          User            @System
  Remove   kernel-modules-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                        User            @System
  Remove   kernel-modules-core-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                   User            @System
  Remove   kernel-modules-extra-0:6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64                                  User            @System
  Remove   kmod-intel-ipu6-6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64-0:0.0-17.20240624gitaecec2a.fc41.x86_64 Dependency      @System
  Remove   kmod-v4l2loopback-6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64-0:0.13.2-1.fc41.x86_64                Dependency      @System
  Replaced clang-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                                   Weak Dependency @System
  Replaced clang-libs-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      @System
  Replaced clang-resource-filesystem-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                               Dependency      @System
  Replaced clang-tools-extra-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                       Weak Dependency @System
  Replaced compiler-rt-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                             Weak Dependency @System
  Replaced dracut-0:102-3.fc41.x86_64                                                     Dependency      @System
  Replaced dracut-config-rescue-0:102-3.fc41.x86_64                                       Group           @System
  Replaced dracut-network-0:102-3.fc41.x86_64                                             Dependency      @System
  Replaced dracut-squash-0:102-3.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      @System
  Replaced grub2-common-1:2.12-13.fc41.noarch                                             Dependency      @System
  Replaced grub2-efi-x64-1:2.12-13.fc41.x86_64                                            User            @System
  Replaced grub2-tools-1:2.12-13.fc41.x86_64                                              User            @System
  Replaced grub2-tools-extra-1:2.12-13.fc41.x86_64                                        User            @System
  Replaced grub2-tools-minimal-1:2.12-13.fc41.x86_64                                      Dependency      @System
  Replaced kernel-devel-matched-0:6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64                                  Dependency      @System
  Replaced kernel-tools-0:6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64                                          Group           @System
  Replaced kernel-tools-libs-0:6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64                                     Dependency      @System
  Replaced libclc-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                                  Dependency      @System
  Replaced libomp-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                                  Weak Dependency @System
  Replaced libomp-devel-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                            Weak Dependency @System
  Replaced libxcrypt-0:4.4.36-10.fc41.x86_64                                              Dependency      @System
  Replaced libxcrypt-0:4.4.36-10.fc41.i686                                                Dependency      @System
  Replaced libxcrypt-devel-0:4.4.36-10.fc41.x86_64                                        Dependency      @System
  Replaced llvm-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                                    Dependency      @System
  Replaced llvm-libs-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.x86_64                                               Dependency      @System
  Replaced llvm-libs-0:19.1.0-1.fc41.i686                                                 Dependency      @System
  Replaced perf-0:6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64                                                  Group           @System
  Replaced python3-perf-0:6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64                                          Dependency      @System
  Replaced setroubleshoot-0:3.3.34-1.fc41.x86_64                                          Group           @System
  Replaced setroubleshoot-server-0:3.3.34-1.fc41.x86_64                                   Dependenc
1 Like

Note that, in my experience, you will see those messages all the flippin’ time, in the normal operation of gnome-keyring-daemon. They seem to signify nothing other than a conceptual disconnect between what the keyring-daemon thinks is an unrecoverable program error, and what one or more clients considers a harmless redundancy not worth the extra code to prevent.

It’s fairly common for API clients to determine that a call to first check whether an item exists in a database, before then executing the operation to insert it when it doesn’t, would take roughly the same amount of time as the ‘insert’ call itself. And to then conclude that they can save time and avoid making two calls instead of one, by just always doing the ‘insert’ call unconditionally, and letting that call fail harmlessly when the item already exists.

Which is great and all, unless the API provider feels the need to log a critical (!!) message every time a harmless redundant insert call is made, even though harmless redundant insert call is both redundant, harmless.

Unrelated See Also

The message that clutter logs every time a non-parentless child is added to an actor:

clutter_actor_add_child: assertion 'child->priv->parent == NULL' failed

Another “invalid” call that is made constantly by applications, and probably shouldn’t be protected with a noisy critical-message assertion. At least, not without first checking whether child->priv->parent == self already. (IOW, the child is being redundantly added to its existing parent.) A condition which I suspect accounts for the majority of those critical messages complaining about adding already-parented children to actors, and which should (again) be harmless in practice, and therefore safe to silently ignore.

Because it sure would be swell if they were silently ignored!

$ journalctl --grep clutter_actor_add_child|wc -l

Oh, yeah, for the record:

$ journalctl --grep 'asked to register item'|wc -l

So, it’s definitely normal to see “a few” of those as well.