Because the config file of sddm is under /usr/share
it is not possible to install sddm themes and change background pictures as normal. @nullrequest has thought of making sddm themes a rpm package and use rpm-ostree
to install it. see hear However, she only provides source code but not binary program which makes it really inconvenient to use. Besides, I do not like to rpm-ostree
install too much for it is not an ordinary package manager.
So I come up with another idea to install themes for sddm. It is that to use mount --rbind
for @siosm found that ln -s
not work. The way is
sudo cp -r /usr/share/sddm /var
Editing /etc/fstab
with root to add /var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0
and then just reboot
3, Now you can edit themes and background pictures by hand. Go to /var/sddm
to edit them by yourself. You can also download sddm themes from kde store and copy them under /var/sddm/themes
. Noting that the system setting program still not works for changing the file under /usr/share/sddm
still banned. I have tried for rw
but not work. It seems to be still read-only.
I try to edit some themes but not all of them success. The major point is to edit metadata.desktop
and theme.conf
, especially later one to customize the background.
It is better to make up a GUI program to edit it. The best way might be to fork official sddm setting program. However I know nothing about GUI programming, so it needs someone’s help.