On behalf of the Creative Freedom Summit organizing team, I am excited to announce that we will be having a second Summit!! Mark your calendars for January 23-25th. 2024
If you’re just hearing about the Summit, it is a virtual event focused on promoting the use and benefits of Creative Free Software (check out the recordings from last year on the Creative Freedom Summit PeerTube Channel).
Call for Proposals
While running last year’s event, we had many requests to submit session proposals, so this year we are running a Call for Proposals. We welcome you to submit your ideas by November 24th, 2023 via the Fedora Project CfP Platform. You can sign on using your GitHub, Gmail, or Fedora Account login credentials.
Be a part of this virtual conference dedicated solely to the features and benefits of Open Source creative tools, and share the joy of creative freedom with the world. We are looking for the following themes for sessions:
Look at what I made with Free & Open Source creative tools - here’s how I made it
Here’s how to do this cool thing or use this feature in this Free & Open Source tool
I work on this Free & Open Source software - here are some new features, or we’d like your feedback
How we can improve our greater Open Source Design community
Questions, want to get involved, or simply want to promote?
Contact the organizing team by sending an email to organizers@creativefreedomsummit.com. We welcome those who want to get involved in organizing or anyone who wants to help us promote the event!
You’ll need a Matrix network account to join the event live and to interact with other participants. If you don’t already have an account you can create one via Element’s Create Account page. Element offers free desktop or mobile apps to join the summit. Element also offers a web app that allows you to join from your browser.
Once you have an Element account and preferred method of access, you can join the Creative Freedom Summit Element/Matrix Channel to interact with attendees at the event and watch other sessions.
Connect on Social Media
Please use the hashtag #creativefreedomsummit when posting about the event!
Unfortunately we have ran into some issues with streaming to Peertube during our test sessions. As a result we have made the decision to switch to the Fedora YouTube. The experience for those participating primarily in Element will not change. The only difference is for those who choose to watch the stream out of Element.