Am I able to Verify the Release of Asahi Fedora Remix?

I’m learning, and teaching myself about privacy and security. I was wondering if I was able to verify the download of Asahi Fedora Remix release on my Mac.


"package": "",

Have a look in the installer sh from asahi on github. It is downloading a .zip file.

It looks like for the moment you can not check it like the normal Fedora Iso’s.
You have to trust that it is checked before the .zip has been made.

As an error message states you are just able to install asahi as a rescue image from a macOS.

if [ ! -e /System ]; then
        echo "You appear to be running this script from Linux or another non-macOS system."
        echo "Asahi Linux can only be installed from macOS (or recoveryOS)."
        exit 1

So I guess for the moment you can just inspect the .zip file (while extracting it)?!


Thank you for taking the time to reply. All this stuff is new to me so I appreciate the help.

I installed the Fedora Asahi Remix through a command in my MacOS operating system, as I think many of us did (curl | sh). Now that Fedora Asahi Remix is installed I just thought it would be a simple terminal command and a manifest signature that I would have to compare the two against to verify the release.

I’m really ignorant on this topic so take everything I say with a grain of salt. If you come across any other information on this topic please send it my way.


I found this:

ZIP files already have checksums, so this is implied. The question is why the download was unreliable here. Was it a CDN problem? It’s HTTPS, so it can’t be the network in between. If it’s a CDN problem we need to isolate it and report it to

I’am not sure If you meant to see which release you are using or if you want to verify the systems integrity?
About the integrity it gets checked about the checksum of the zip file.

If you just want to know about your system you can use
hostnamectl to get the version. Is it that what you meant?


Yeah, I think we are speaking the same language. I would like to verify the integrity of the system now that it’s installed. I can do this with programs running on Fedora. I just didn’t know if I could do it with the operating system itself . Like I said, I’m not too bright on this topic so I don’t know what commands to run and what hash to compare it agains to verify the system or if this is even possible with this particular distro.