OK, further digging on the interweb, this time from another source: Linux NFS Mount Entry in fstab (/etc/fstab) with Example
I managed to get the folder to persist mounting with the following entries inserted into /etc/fstab /mnt/nfs/Rob nfs rw,hard,intr,timeo=14 0 0
mount /mnt/nfs/Rob
After a reboot, the NFS share mounts with read-write access automatically.
So in summary (and I will write this down for my own records):
STEP 1. In the media server software (in this case Unraid), set up the share to support NFS in both
a) the share itself: SHARES >> add rule *(rw) , Export = Yes, Security = Private
b) under SETTINGS >> NFS >> Enable NFS = Yes, Tunable (fuse_remember): 330 (default)
STEP 2. On linux desktop client,
a) Find the name of the NFS open terminal: type the following, where the IP address is that of your media server.
showmount -e
This will then return a list of the NFS shares that have been exported, e.g.
Export list for
/mnt/user/nextcloud *
/mnt/user/Rob *
b) Copy the name of the share you want to mount e.g. /mnt/user/Rob
STEP 3. Set up the NFS share to automount:
a) Open folder /etc/ , open ‘fstab’ in a text editor (you may have to use super user privileges to save it)
b) Enter the following into fstab at the bottom of the file taking the share path and IP address from step 2. Note the format is as following:
<yourserver IP address>:<path to the exported share you want to mount from step 2b> <path you want to mount the NFS share to e.g. /mnt/name> nfs <options> 0 0
More details on the options to set are here:
example: /mnt/nfs/Rob nfs rw,hard,intr,timeo=14 0 0
mount /mnt/nfs/Rob
Then save the file.
c) In terminal run
systemctl daemon-reload
STEP 4: Reboot the system to ensure this mounts persistently.
Your folder should mount automatically under the path from Step 2b e.g. /mnt/nfs/Rob
OK, that did it. However this is rather cumbersome for novice users. I think this should be added as simple GUI option in GNOME and other dekstop environments. It should be as simple as mounting an SMB share under + Other Locations (SMB just appear automatically there)