Cinnamon questions

Trying out the Cinnamon Spin and have a few questions.
Can I install gnome-software without any problems in Cinnamon spin, is it compatible?
Can the Cinnamon Spin run on wayland?
How do I share the public folder on the local network in the Cinnamon Spin?
It was obvious in Gnome but not Cinnamon.

Yes you can install gnome-software without any problems
No the Cinnamon Spin does not run on Wayland
Still trying to figure out how to share the public folder on the local network

You are correct. Cinnamon is based on GNOME3 which uses GTK. Most software designed for a GNOME environment should have no problem with Cinnamon.

Even Qt and KDE applications should work. You’ll just wave to download the libraries first, and they likely wont look quite so nice.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your opinion of Wayland) Wayland is not yet working in Cinnamon, but they are (as far as I know) working on getting it running.

Folder sharing has nothing really to do with the desktop.

What you want is either NFS or Samba.
Samba is best if yous sharing with Windows machines, and NFS is excellent for sharing with other Linux boxes.

Sorry it took you two months to get your answers.
If a had been here and seen this post when it was first made, I would have given you the answers you were looking for then.

Thanks cptgraywolf
There’s no windows machines so NFS may be the answer
Do you know of a good tutorial for setting up NFS?
I tried samba but it didn’t work right
It would be nice if nemo-share was available but it is not in the repository
I also tried teleport but could not get it to work either

Also had to install ffmpegthumbnailer to get video and music album art to show up
It would be nice if it was installed by default

NFS is pretty easy to set up, especially compared to Samba. It should also already be installed on Fedora.

Here's A Quick Tutorial

First you’ll want to set up the export on your host machine.
There are a couple of ways to do this.

As root, open the file ‘/etc/exports’ in your editor of choice. You’ll need the full path to the folder you want to share. If it’s the public folder in your home, that would be “/home/<your username>/public”.

If you only want the share to be available to a couple of hosts, you can write out each host and it’s options after the folder name, like so.
/home/<your username>/public <ip address 1>(rw,no_root_squash) <ip address 2>(rw,no_root_squash)

Another option is to share for your entire network. This is done similarly.
/home/<your username>/public <network address>/<subnet>(rw,no_root_squash)
If the IP addresses on your network look like ‘’ then your network address should The subnet is usually 24.
So that would look like:
/home/<your username>/public,no_root_squash)

Save the file and you’re ready to start the nfs-server daemon.
To do that, just run:
# systemctl enable nfs-server --now

The share should now be online.

To access the share from a client machine, it will need to be mounted. You can do this manually to see if it’s working by using a mount command.
# mount -t nfs -o tcp <address of host>:/home/<your username>/public <mountpoint>
Where ‘<mountpoint>’ is the full path of where to mount the share. This is where you will be able to access the share from.

To automatically mount the share when a client boots, you can add it to the systems ‘/etc/fstab’ file.

As root, open the file in your editor of choice, and add a new line.
<address of host>:/home/<your username>/public <mountpoint> nfs rw,hard,nofail,noatime,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0
The options included here are based on a mount in my own fstab. I will not go into detail, but they seem to work quite well.

If you want more detail on the options for exporting and mounting, this page covers the ‘/etc/exports’ file and this one covers some common mount options.

Just let me know if you have any trouble.

I didn’t even realize ffmpegthumbnailer existed.
I never needed those icons, but they’re nice to have.

Fedora is fairly minimal in a lot of ways, so it’s not too surprising that it’s not installed by default.