Hello. I don’t know the details of how input methods work in linux and haven’t been able to find the exact answer yet (& I would like to avoid potentially breaking default input methods for other languages).
Has anyone had sucess setting it up?
Hello. I don’t know the details of how input methods work in linux and haven’t been able to find the exact answer yet (& I would like to avoid potentially breaking default input methods for other languages).
Has anyone had sucess setting it up?
I’m going to spam my own page, Inputting Japanese in Linux and some BSDs I have fcitx5 and mozc working with Fedora 41, working with openbox, dwm, or labc (A Wayland replacement for openbox).
As you mention default, that’s ibus, and depending upon what window manager or desktop you’re using, you might have to change that. If using Gnome, there’s an im-chooser GUI, I think, which makes it easy.
Thank you for the reply. Sorry I forgot to mention I am using KDE. It is a very nice environment so if possible I’d like to keep the UI working as is.
But not sure how possible that is.
Ok, two things. Firstly, I realized that I’ve been using anthy, not mozc. Secondly, with KDE, I imagine there’s a GUI for ibus that might be used, unfortunately, I’m not familiar with KDE. But, it might be a KDE question, rather than a Fedora one.
I would suggest that if mozc isn’t working and you’re okay with it, using anthy or kkc instead of mozc and seeing if you have any better luck with that.
I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, but I’m completely unfamiliar with KDE. There is the RedHat link I have on my page.
Chapter 11. Enabling Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text input | Red Hat Product Documentation, which is for RHEL8 and Gnome, but it might be applicable.
Also, after answering this post I was curious, and installed fcitx5-mozc and it does work. I assume KDE uses ibus, which I have frequently found to be problematic, though, in fairness, that was always on non-Gnome window managers. So, maybe switching to fcitx5 might be worth it for you, but again, I can’t help at all with KDE.
A somewhat cursory web search also found this page, where the writer is using fcitx5 on KDE.