Fedora Council Meeting - July 17, 2024
- Aoife Moloney (@amoloney)
- Jona Azizaj (@jonatoni)
- Justin W. Flory (@jflory7) (chair)
- Akashdeep Dhar (@t0xic0der)
- Miroslav Suchý (@msuchy)
- Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez (@bt0dotninja)
Due to limited participation, the council focused on reviewing tickets rather than decision-making items.
#499: Request for Trademark Approval for “Fedora Ready”
This request was deemed a quick vote due to ongoing trademark clearance. Council members were encouraged to review the request and vote.
#460: Relicense Fedora-logos
This ticket involved a complex discussion about relicensing the Fedora logos under an open source license. The need for further input from Fedora Legal regarding potential risks and benefits of open licensing a trademark was highlighted. The decision was deferred until the Council receives more information.
#435: Rework the SIG documentation
The idea of consolidating SIG resources was considered valuable but beyond the Council’s current capacity. It was decided to keep the ticket open until the next meeting to allow for further feedback and potential re-homing of the initiative.
Action Items
- Council members to review and vote on #499 (Fedora Ready request). [@t0xic0der, @bookwar, @dcantrell, @bt0dotninja, @mattdm, @smeragoel, @ffmancera, @rwright]
- @jflory7 to write up a note summarizing the discussion on #460 (Fedora-logos relicensing) and the need for further legal input.
- The council to revisit #435 (SIG documentation) at the next meeting to discuss potential solutions or closure.
Additional Notes
The meeting transcript indicates that several Council members were not present or joined later.