I did put my request here in the water cooler because I not really know where it would belong.
Would like to make the discussion here and not on Ask, because here we also have a audience with a wider range of knowledge and needs.
I saw a Video about dot-files and i was quite impressed to manage them on the fly and have them stored in a git repository while document the changes.
The bold link shows the Video on the position where
- My first question came up
I Asked my selves where to declare the mentioned paths/variables that I do have them available if I log in Wayland or X. Is there a way to “marrie” them, to have them available independent if I just use a shell without a DE, terminal app independent of Wayland or X. The author of the Video solved it for X on a Arch distribution:
The above mentioned path from the dotfile of the Author from the Video.
#XDG Paths
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
# zsh config dir
export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh
I tried to test, but I realized very fast, that this gives a big mess while re-login after every change and sometimes also needed to restart.
By the way I made some more searches and also got the article in the Fedoramagazine
My difficulties so far I already related in Ask. If you have some solutions ready for it, you could relate it there.
The objective here would be to have a “Brainstorming” how to achieve it while working in Wayland and X.