Warehouse is a cool Flatpak application for managing Flatpaks: Install Warehouse on Linux | Flathub
One of the super useful things you can do with it is downgrade Flatpaks. It will even disable updates so you don’t accidentally upgrade it when doing a system update.
It works on any kind of Flatpaks, including those that don’t have a remote. A remote-remote? A remote hosted somewhere else? Whatever you call .flatpak
Flatpaks you install directly from the developer like Pied.
If you’ve ever used the Flatpak CLI to downgrade Flatpaks before, stop! There’s no need to suffer like that anymore.
That’s it. That’s the entire post.
Probably a good use case for Gradience since it has been archived on Github and the Flatpak removed from flathub.
I wonder how it would handle Gradience in that case. It ultimately seems to just be a (very pretty) shell for the Flatpak CLI. I assume it would work if you had the commits locally.
It would have been a good case for Kdenlive a few months ago when the compressor effect broke, but I didn’t know about it then
The Thunderbird issue reverting to version 115 from 128esr, masking Kodi, Blender having an issue with OpenBlas update or Mesa update.
I think it’s useful for those not comfy with the CLI, I’ve known about it for quite some time, but honestly forgot it existed. i will definitely update my 2 blogs on Inkscape and Blender to accommodate it.