Wine/Proton with Pipewire Sound Stutters | Pipewire |


Sound stutters with Wine apps (and Proton games) under Pipewire.


According to one user it causing from very low quantum value.

Related Issues

Pipewire git issue: #3309


  1. mkdir ~/.config/pipewire - to create new folder
  2. cp /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf ~/.config/pipewire - to copy user folder
  3. Open ~/.config/pipewire:
    • Find these values and edit: = {
    pulse.min.req          = 256/48000 # if doesn't work try 512 instead 256
    pulse.min.frag         = 256/48000
    pulse.min.quantum      = 256/48000
  1. Now restart pipewire and its modules systemctl --user restart wireplumber pipewire pipewire-pulse

Added f40

I’ve had good results with setting PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=400 on everything ran through wine

I got that from and it’s also for PipeWire

Sorry, this is not a good fit for Common Issues , moving to Ask Fedora with a howto tag. This is very likely hardware-specific, the reporter is affected only when using a custom pipewire script to reverse audio, and there’s no indication that this would affect a large portion of Fedora users. It’s definitely not a universal issue (audio in my wine/proton games is completely fine). Affected users can find this using search in Ask Fedora.

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From Proposed Common Issues to Ask Fedora

Added howto

Removed f40, howto, steam

I removed the HowTo tag due in part to your statement, which I agree with and the scope of the post.

A potential hardware issue, with a work around yet we do not know what hardware is utilized here.
This work around, might solve the OP’s problem, but I have extensively tested games on several builds/configurations from Proton3.x/GE/tkg, Lutris also during the inception of Pipewire and not had such issues.

Users experiencing issues to this degree should reach out through a forum thread with full hardware specs and begin troubleshooting from there.

This is a very isolated use case in my opinion.