[WIKI] How to create a wiki post

How to convert a post to a wiki post

  1. Create an normal post
  2. scroll down to the bottom of the post
  3. Press on three dots
  4. Press on wrench
  5. Press on make wiki

How to search for wiki post

  1. Press the magnifying glass, and enter in:wiki

I think that there presence here would be widely accepted source to collaborate, keep information up to date, and in one place.

I have updated someone else’s wiki post. Can anyone edit anyone’s wiki? What are the rules to these wiki’s?

see meta.discourse.org

Editing a wiki post

By default, Trust Level 1 users can edit all wiki posts they have access to.

Creating or removing a wiki post

To turn one of your own posts into a wiki post you need to be Trust Level 3 (default). Trust Level 4, moderators, and admins can convert any post into a wiki.

Any post within a topic can be converted into a wiki. It’s common to make the first post a wiki, but it isn’t a requirement.

Reading and respecting the instructions of the person which created the wiki.

  • reading the topic carfuly
  • making comments below the wiki, if something special has been added. So users can see easily what is going on …

I thought it was TL2 here? TL1 would be a bit much tbh

On what are you refering? Did you read the link? Can you mention the part you refer to, so we not have to guess!

There is no docu for the changes that Fedora Discuss may have over upstream discourse I guess

Please stop guessing and let this persons, who know it answer. Your comments are not helpful when you just commenting with guessing, just that you have to say something. I gave an idea what the defaults are and liked to it. Admin as I know like @mattdm we do not have a lot, which could give us the exact information.