I apologize writing here.
I am new user and it is little confused the site.
It is not ease understanding how to write a question.
I don’t know if it is the best place to write my question.
I would like to know where I could ask about a specific software
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Hi @caramba, welcome. The best way to ask your question would be to go back one page and click the button that says “+ New Topic” on the top right.
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You can ask questions about any software that is part of Fedora Linux (or runs on top of it) in the main categories. You don’t need to worry about finding the right subcategory or tag.
However, unless you can find an existing Q&A that covers your question already, you should start a new topic rather than replying to an existing one.
When you have a minute you should also take a look at: #start-here if you haven’t already done that.
Thanks and welcome.
Thank you.
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