“The system printing service doesn’t seem to be avialable”
Please fex this issue.
We cannot fix an issue for you without quite a bit more information.
What fedora version?
what printer?
Is the system up to date?
Has this printer ever worked?
If the printer previously worked, when did it stop working and what was done just before the problem began?
Well after the last cups update The all the printers are not available. In control panel getting the message “the system printing doesn’t seem to be available” I haven’t had any problems with printers from fedora 39. Fedora 40 also worked well.
I have a MacPro 2008. Fedora worked excellent until the cups update.
I have installed every update until now, waiting to fix the issue.
Check the output:
sudo systemctl restart cups.service
systemctl status cups.service
journalctl --no-pager -b -u cups.service
lpinfo -v; lpstat -t
Thank you Vladislav, but problem still exist. Here is the log:
emmverigos@macpro:~$ sudo systemctl restart cups.service
systemctl status cups.service
journalctl --no-pager -b -u cups.service
lpinfo -v; lpstat -t
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#2) Σκεφτείτε πριν πληκτρολογήσετε.
#3) Η μεγάλη ισχύς συνυπάρχει με τη μεγάλη ευθύνη.
For security reasons, the password you type will not be visible.
[sudo] password for emmverigos:
Failed to restart cups.service: Unit cups.service not found.
Unit cups.service could not be found.
– No entries –
bash: lpinfo: δε βρέθηκε η εντολή…
Παρόμοια εντολή: ‘pinfo’
bash: lpstat: δε βρέθηκε η εντολή…
Εγκατάσταση του πακέτου ‘cups-client’ που παρέχει την εντολή ‘lpstat’; [N/y] y
Αναμονή στην ουρά…
Φόρτωση λίστας πακέτων…
Τα παρακάτω πακέτα πρέπει να εγκατασταθούν:
cups-client-1:2.4.10-1.fc40.x86_64 CUPS printing system - client programs
Να προχωρήσουν οι αλλαγές; [N/y] y -
Αναμονή στην ουρά…
Αναμονή για πιστοποίηση…
Αναμονή στην ουρά…
Λήψη πακέτων…
Αίτηση για δεδομένα…
Έλεγχος αλλαγών…
Εγκατάσταση πακέτων…
scheduler is not running
emmverigos@macpro:~$ sudo systemctl restart cups.service
systemctl status cups.service
journalctl --no-pager -b -u cups.service
lpinfo -v; lpstat -t
Failed to restart cups.service: Unit cups.service not found.
Unit cups.service could not be found.
– No entries –
bash: lpinfo: δε βρέθηκε η εντολή…
Παρόμοια εντολή: ‘pinfo’
scheduler is not running
sudo dnf -y install cups
sudo systemctl restart cups.service
Many Thanks Vladislav!
Issue resolved. Printing system working as expected!
I would like to thank also Jeffv for the responce.
Now Fedora working again as expected.
Vladislav, please an other question.
Nautilus sushi (quick previewer) not working also, any suggestions?
Resolved …installed sushi. Many thanks again
Added cups, printing, workstation