Upgrade to conflicts with rpmfusion-free

I am a newbie with fedora, installed version 38 (kde spin) and activated some repos to be able to play some games. All worked ok until I tried to upgrade to 39.

To start some packages aren’t there:

No hi ha cap coincidència per al grup de paquets "gimp-heif-plugin"
No hi ha cap coincidència per al grup de paquets "iwl2030-firmware"

And there are some conflicts:

Problema 1: problem with installed package libswscale-free-6.0.1-1.fc38.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.x86_64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-11.fc39.x86_64 from fedora
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.x86_64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-11.fc39.x86_64 from fedora-modular

I have searched both forum and internet; but couldn’t find any documentation on how to proceed. I tried sudo dnf clean all && sudo dnf update but the problem persists.

How should I proceed to upgrade?


Please share the output of sudo dnf remove compat-ffmpeg4 --assumeno

No match for argument: compat-ffmpeg4
No s'ha marcat cap paquet per treure.
S'han resolt les dependències.
No s'ha de fer res.
S'ha completat!

My hypothesis was that you had a package using compat-ffmpeg4 in F38 which has been upgraded to use the current ffmpeg in F39, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

In any case, what’s happening is that something is pulling inffmpeg-libs from RPM Fusion, presumably another RPM Fusion package, and that is conflicting with Fedora’s ffmpeg-free packages. You should be able to fix it with:

sudo dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing

This replaces the ffmpeg-free packages with RPM Fusion’s ffmpeg.

1 Like

It appears to remove more “core” packages and install more from rpmfusion… is it the right way to fix it?

No match for argument: ffmpeg-free
No s'ha marcat cap paquet per treure.
S'han resolt les dependències.
 Package                  Architecture Version                                   Repository                    Size
 ffmpeg                   x86_64       6.0-11.fc38                               rpmfusion-free-updates       1.7 M
Instal·lar les dependències:
 ffmpeg-libs              x86_64       6.0-11.fc38                               rpmfusion-free-updates       8.0 M
 libavdevice              x86_64       6.0-11.fc38                               rpmfusion-free-updates        72 k
 libcdio-paranoia         x86_64       10.2+2.0.1-8.fc38                         fedora                        87 k
 x264-libs                x86_64       0.164-10.20231001git31e19f92.fc38         rpmfusion-free-updates       701 k
 x265-libs                x86_64       3.5-5.fc38                                rpmfusion-free               1.3 M
Instal·lar les dependències febles:
 vmaf-models              noarch       2.3.0-5.fc38                              fedora                       259 k
Treure paquets dependents:
 libavcodec-free          x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     9.5 M
 libavfilter-free         x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     4.4 M
 libavformat-free         x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     2.6 M
 libavutil-free           x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     926 k
 libpostproc-free         x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                      90 k
 libswresample-free       x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     151 k
 libswscale-free          x86_64       6.0.1-1.fc38                              @updates                     571 k

Resum de la transacció
Instal·la  7 Paquets
Treu       7 Paquets

Mida total de la baixada: 12 M
És correcte? [s/N]: y

Yes that’s expected. Those lib*-free packages are replaceable by ffmpeg-libs.

For diagnostic purposes, could you also share the output of sudo dnf group list --installed ?

Última comprovació del venciment de les metadades: fa 0:14:01 el dimarts, 14 de novembre de 2023, 22:13:02.
Grups d'entorns instal·lats:
   KDE Plasma Workspaces
Grups instal·lats:
   Suport per al maquinari

It is upgrading correctly now. Thanks a lot