Need Assistance Resolving DNF System Upgrade Error

Hello Fedora Developers,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to seek your expertise in resolving an issue I’m experiencing while attempting to upgrade my system using DNF. I apologize in advance if this turns out to be a novice question, as I’m still relatively new to the Fedora distro as a whole.

When I run the command sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39, I encounter the following error:

 Problem 1: problem with installed package ffmpeg-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64
  - package ffmpeg-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from fedora
  - package ffmpeg-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from fedora-modular
  - package ffmpeg-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-6.0-12.fc39.aarch64 from updates
  - package ffmpeg-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from updates-modular
  - ffmpeg-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - conflicting requests
 Problem 2: problem with installed package libswscale-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from fedora
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from fedora-modular
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-12.fc39.aarch64 from updates
  - package ffmpeg-libs-6.0-16.fc39.aarch64 from rpmfusion-free conflicts with libswscale-free provided by libswscale-free-6.0-11.fc39.aarch64 from updates-modular
  - problem with installed package firefox-119.0-2.fc38.aarch64
  - conflicting requests
  - firefox-119.0-2.fc38.aarch64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - libswscale-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

Now obviously, if I were to run the --allowerasing command, I would potentially risk integral parts of my system to be uninstalled, including Plasma. This is evident as if I run sudo dnf remove libswscale-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64 I end up with this output:

allow_vendor_change is disabled. This option is currently not supported for downgrade and distro-sync commands
Dependencies resolved.

Package Architecture Version Repository Size

libswscale-free aarch64 6.0-5.fc38 @updates 480 k
Removing dependent packages:
calamares-firstboot-config noarch 20231010-1.fc38 41 k
ffmpeg-free aarch64 6.0-5.fc38 @updates 2.4 M
ffmpegthumbs aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 226 k
gstreamer1-plugin-libav aarch64 1.22.5-1.fc38 @updates 464 k
kde-print-manager aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 2.6 M
krfb aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 2.6 M
krfb-libs aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 1.1 M
mpv aarch64 0.35.1-4.fc38 @fedora 4.5 M
plasma-desktop aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 31 M
plasma-workspace aarch64 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 41 M
sddm-breeze noarch 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 660 k
spectacle aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 3.9 M
Removing unused dependencies:
accountsservice aarch64 23.11.69-2.fc38 @fedora 472 k
boost-python3 aarch64 1.78.0-14.fc38 @updates 333 k
breeze-cursor-theme noarch 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 5.2 M
calamares aarch64 3.2.62-4.fc38 @updates 3.2 M
calamares-libs aarch64 3.2.62-4.fc38 @updates 11 M
console-setup noarch 1.216-1.fc38 @fedora 2.1 M
efibootmgr aarch64 18-3.fc38 @fedora 420 k
f38-backgrounds-kde noarch 38.1.1-1.fc38 @fedora 4.7 k
flite aarch64 2.2-5.fc38 @fedora 28 M
google-noto-sans-fonts noarch 20230201-2.fc38 @updates 40 M
google-noto-sans-mono-fonts noarch 20230201-2.fc38 @updates 19 M
google-noto-serif-fonts noarch 20230201-2.fc38 @updates 50 M
iceauth aarch64 1.0.9-3.fc38 @fedora 199 k
kactivitymanagerd aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 2.4 M
kde-print-manager-libs aarch64 23.08.1-1.fc38 @updates 651 k
kde-settings-plasma noarch 38.3-1.fc38 @updates 6.9 k
kde-settings-sddm noarch 38.3-1.fc38 @updates 89
kf5-baloo aarch64 5.110.0-1.fc38 @updates 1.4 M
kf5-kquickcharts aarch64 5.110.0-1.fc38 @updates 784 k
kf5-kxmlrpcclient aarch64 5.110.0-1.fc38 @updates 273 k
kpipewire aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 1.1 M
kwrited aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 237 k
ladspa aarch64 1.13-30.fc38 @fedora 1.6 M
leptonica aarch64 1.83.1-1.fc38 @fedora 3.3 M
libXaw aarch64 1.0.14-4.fc38 @fedora 660 k
libavdevice-free aarch64 6.0-5.fc38 @updates 283 k
libavfilter-free aarch64 6.0-5.fc38 @updates 4.1 M
libbs2b aarch64 3.1.0-30.fc38 @fedora 593 k
libddcutil aarch64 1.4.1-1.fc38 @fedora 842 k
libpostproc-free aarch64 6.0-5.fc38 @updates 218 k
libqalculate aarch64 4.8.1-1.fc38 @updates 7.9 M
libwnck3 aarch64 43.0-4.fc38 @fedora 2.4 M
lv2 aarch64 1.18.8-5.fc38 @fedora 373 k
orca noarch 44.1-1.fc38 @updates 16 M
oxygen-sounds noarch 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 2.0 M
plasma-browser-integration aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 668 k
plasma-integration aarch64 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 969 k
plasma-lookandfeel-fedora noarch 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 506 k
plasma-milou aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 560 k
plasma-workspace-libs aarch64 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 22 M
plasma-workspace-wayland aarch64 5.27.8-2.fc38 @updates 266 k
power-profiles-daemon aarch64 0.13-1.fc38 @updates 256 k
powerdevil aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 7.3 M
python3-brlapi aarch64 0.8.4-10.fc38 @fedora 360 k
python3-louis noarch 3.25.0-1.fc38 @fedora 45 k
python3-speechd aarch64 0.11.5-1.fc38 @updates 261 k
qqc2-desktop-style aarch64 5.110.0-1.fc38 @updates 723 k
rubberband aarch64 3.3.0-1.fc38 @updates 2.0 M
startup-notification aarch64 0.12-25.fc38 @fedora 246 k
tesseract aarch64 5.3.0-6.fc38 @fedora 3.1 M
tesseract-langpack-eng noarch 4.1.0-5.fc38 @fedora 3.9 M
tesseract-tessdata-doc noarch 4.1.0-5.fc38 @fedora 15 k
uresourced aarch64 0.5.3-5.fc38 @updates 428 k
vamp-plugin-sdk aarch64 2.9.0-7.fc38 @fedora 882 k
xdg-desktop-portal-kde aarch64 5.27.8-1.fc38 @updates 1.3 M
xmessage aarch64 1.0.6-2.fc38 @fedora 224 k

Transaction Summary

Remove 69 Packages

Freed space: 346 M
Is this ok [y/N]: n

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to proceed. Additionally, I’m concerned about the impact on other dependent packages.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

I guess you will be able to resolve the issue while deactivating the modular repositories.

Execute following commands in terminal:

sudo dnf  --disablerepo fedora-modular
sudo dnf  --disablerepo updates-modular
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Please share the output of rpm -qa | grep -E 'ffmpeg|lib.*free'

The conflict seems to be coming from RPM Fusion ffmpeg packages being pulled in, but I’m not sure why that’s happening.

It’s possible that --allowerasing would come up with a viable solution, but if you try that, I strongly suggest sharing the list of proposed removals before allowing it to proceed.

Also use the option --noautoremove in addition to --allowerasing . That would prevent removing unused dependencies.

This is the output I get:


Is the modular repositories not depreciated ?
As you can see the modular comes with an older version 6.0-11 instead of 6.0-12 !

That’s why i made the proposal to deactivate the modular repositories first.

I tried executing the provided commands to deactivate the modular repositories, but unfortunately, it didn’t resolve the issue. The problem persists, and I’m still encountering conflicts with the packages.

Did you do the sudo dnf upgrade --refresh ?

It also says that the:

 - firefox-119.0-2.fc38.aarch64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository
 - libswscale-free-6.0-5.fc38.aarch64 from @System  does not belong to a distupgrade repository

not belong to a distupgrade repository ?!

Maybe you just remove this two apps and reinstall after upgrade.

Like I said, if I were to remove libswscale, it would also remove things such as Plasma, entire themes and layouts, along with a bunch of other integral parts of the system. Firefox has been removed successfully, though.

And yes, I did try the sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

I think this is probably it. That’s an RPM Fusion package. I suspect it’s a dependency of something you have installed on F38, and the F39 version of that package is now using the current ffmpeg-libs.

If I’m right, the most direct way to allow the upgrade is to remove that package and whatever depends on it.

You can also resolve the conflict by switching to RPM Fusion’s ffmpeg:

sudo dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing