I want to upgrade my system form Fedora 40 to 41. With Gnome Softwarecenter 46.5 and dnf 4.22.0 it dit not work.
In the terminal with dnf the download via dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=41
works fine.
Then I type sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
, after UEFI and drive decryption the installation starts.
The normal promts like [ OK ] multiple times comes. After some seconds the promt [=== _____ ] System update is being installed 14% appears (the number of percent dont rise).
After waiting 5 seconds it continues with multiple times [ OK ] and stop at systemd-shutdown[1]: Unable to finalize remaining DM device, Ignoring.
and the screen goes black and the system automaticly reboot into Fedora 40.
It is not easy to read all promts, they appear too quickly. I don’t see if it will be 15% or if an error message appears.
My system:
Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
Microsoft Corporation Surface Pro 7
Intel® Core™ i7-1065G7 × 8
Linux 6.12.7-1.surface.fc40.x86_64
Drive encryption (setup at first Install)
secureboot is enabled
After some searching, I can’t find a solution for me. I don’t know much about systemd, but here it is assumed that it is related to the drive (maybe drive encrypiton problem?).
Please can you help me!