Texlive legacy encoding support?

Hi all!
This is my first post here, so I hope this is the right place for the following matter:

I am on Fedora31 Workstation and just installed texlive-scheme-full, assuming this contains ‘everything’ from latex as stated in the description. However, some encoding files seem to be missing. In my case, specifically


When I had a look into the the ebgaramond directory given above, I found that the encoding file is indeed missing. pdflatex when trying to compile gives me the following error:

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ebgm_tcdnmr.enc): cannot open encoding file for r
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

…which makes sense, given that the file is missing. After some researching the net, I found a forum post by the OpenSUSE people (Font problems in texlive 2019 - Applications - openSUSE Forums) leading me to the idea that the cause for this problem is texlive dropping support for some legacy encodings/fonts with the change from the 2018 to the 2019 edition of texlive.

Can anyone confirm this?

Did some more research and stumbled over the following forum post and bug report:

https://dev.getsol.us/T4164 (Solus)
https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53936 (Arch)

According to that, texlive seems to be broken as there is a bug concerning old legacy encodings like mine from above. The Solus guys solved it by reverting back to the 2016 edition, as the newer one does not seem stable.

If you stumble over this bug, you can solve it by installing texlive directly from tug.org instead of over the Fedora repo like I did:


(However, make sure to have removed your old texlive installation to provide a clean environment for the installation i.e. via sudo dnf remove texlive-scheme-full.)
The installation via tug.org works without problems.

(Should I inform anybody so the problem in the repo edition can be fixed?)